Skinny Fish


Small Fish
Feb 6, 2006
I currently have a platy and a mollie that are more skinny than the rest. The platy has been that way for a few months. I thought she might just be deformed because she never grew quite the same as the other female I bought at the same time. She is about half the size of the other adult platys and is the same age as one of them.

Now I noticed that one of my silver mollies has the same type of problem. I'm not sure if its the male or female but it is skinny too. It also is a bit darker than it used to be. S/he hasn't always been this way, it has gotten skinnier.

They try to eat usually and are as active as the rest. Sometimes their food does come back out of their mouths. Could they have parasites or something? What should I treat them with if this is the problem? I don't want to lose any of them. "knocks on wood" I haven't had a fish death in several months so I don't want to start now.


Small Fish
Feb 6, 2006
I haven't seen any worms or white and stringy poo. Nothing is out of the ordinary other than them just being thin. They all eat 1-2 times a day on a rotation of flakes, dried bloodworms, & tubifix worms. I make sure everyone gets some by watching them consume all the food.