sleepy pl*co

Dec 11, 2002
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I think my pl*co is on strike. He just sits around the tank mostly. It appears the only real things that he cleans are my plants and some of my rocks. He rarely goes to the top most rock out in the open at the top of the tank and he never cleans the front of the tank (glass) and I get a break out of brown algae on the glass and he apparently doesn't want to clean it. I know they don't like green algae but he should be going after the brown algae. He's a single pl*co in a 40 gallon tank (he's about 2 1/2 inche's long) Should I pick up another?

Dec 5, 2002
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I do not know who true this is, but something to keep in mind. I have heard that pl*eco's of any kind are very terriitorial. They say if you get 2 of them while they are very small and they came from the same tank they will be fine together, but if you go out and buy another one they may have problems.

Like I said, not sure the truth behind this, just what I'd read or heard somewhere.

Maybe get some algae eaters? I wanted the simese kind, but they are kinda hard to find around my neck of the woods, I have a Chinese one, which they say can be aggressive if you have mroe than 1, so on the safe side I got one. He really does a good job, very busy little guy eating algae. Although he seems confused, sometimes schools with my scissortail rasboras, they look they same (sorta) lol

Dec 11, 2002
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I have a fairly planted tank, I have 2 male neon dwarf gourami's, 2 angel fish, 1 female betta, 6 black phantom tetra's, 2 bronze cory's, one pl*co

You saying that they are nocturnal is probably why I don't see them cleaning up top or on the glass.

I'm going to be taking one of the gourami's to the LFS today because I've had the two in there for about 2 months and I'm taking them the agressive one and keeping the passive one.