Slight Probelem


Large Fish
Dec 1, 2005
Omaha, Nebraska
Well if you dont know i turned my 3 gallon into a breeder tank. i planted it and made sure there were areas for the fry to hide. Well my opperation was a success and i have 10 yellow, black snakeskin guppies that are about 3 months old. They have all their color. 7 females and 3 males.

Anyways my probelem is this. my 3 gallon is not a place to keep 12 guppies (10 fry and 2 adults). in my 29 i have 3 danios but they are fin nippers and drove my old guppies insane. I do not want to move my danios to my 3 gallon due to their zippiness. I am not able to buy another tank at this moment. So my probelem is what to do with the danios becuase i want to put my guppies into my 29, but i dont want em to be toys for my danios.

THanks for the help


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2005
Maybe your LFS would take them off your hands if you asked them.I've had Danio's before (Zebras and Leopards) and know they're boisterous and fast swimmers but I've never known mine to be fin nippers.Maybe they just need to be sufficiently outnumbered so they don't feel like the kings of the tank?Just a thought.

Mar 20, 2006
Jayrod7 said:
i could try the tank divider again. I put one in one time while my female swordtail was pregnant but one of the danios jumped the screen (screen was about half an inch above water).

If you do decide to use a divider you might want to see if you can get a piece of plexi-glass, plywood or even cardboard (but that might get soggy) and put it over the side with the danios in it to keep them from jumping.