
Apr 14, 2005
North of the 49th Parallel
I set up my aquarium about a week ago. A couple of days later I put another ornament in, a cream/biege coloured thing made from a mold, not sure the material but it is for a fish tank. Today I noticed some kind of slime all over it, & it seems to only be on this decoration, no others. Does anyone know what it might be & if it is harmful?


Medium Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Visit site
já take it out clean it, maybe with a toothrush that you are not going to use (clean it before hand tho) get in all the cracks etc as i have the same one.

if its a fairly new tank it might just be normal slime on it, i get this when i setup new tanks but its on the glass and surface of the water, this usally clears up in a few days tho.

have you been adding anything like slime coat to the water?

Apr 22, 2003
If the slime returns, the i suggest you boil the decorations. Put them into a pot filled with water and let it boil five or ten minutes. This kills anything that might be living on the thing, and should prevent it from happening anymore. I've had a similar problem with some rocks that I put in after only having rinsed them. The film seemed to be having a negative effect on my fish - some torn fins suddenly. After I boiled the rocks, though, i never had the same problem again.

You can also try disinfecting them with a bleach solution - soaking them in a solution of one part bleach to ten parts water for a few minutes. And rinse off really well afterwards. But I'm not sure about this method though, I'd recommend boiling them, it's worked very well for me.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
i'll 2nd the bleech idea. i have the smae pillars in my QT and there was no problem with them after i bought them. i have had similar slimy fuzz on natural wood before, but with time it went away/got eaten up. To be on the safe side if you're concerned, bleech them for severl minutes, then soak them in dechlorinated water for a long time to clean off the bleech