Slow down filter Flow

Mar 30, 2006
I had a 5g tank with no fish in it, just moved them to a 20g. So I got a Betta for the 5g tank. He hates the flow rate from the filter so I truned it off. But I would like to have it on. Anyone know of a way to block the flow rate without hurting the filter. I would hate to burn up the filter because I pluged up some of the holes in the tube.

Edit: oops should have put this in FreshWater General

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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I've got a HOB (hang on back... like a whisper) filter on my 2.5g that is rated for a 5-10g tank. I've got a hunk of (clean) sponge jammed down the intake so a frog leg can't get sucked into it, and one of those yellow sponges (clean) put between the outflow and the plexiglass cover, so that it slows down the water coming out and helps aim it down instead of forward. It doesn't produce too much flow, and you can really tell the difference when you remove the sponge from the outflow.

Mar 30, 2006
Its a Regent AquaTech 5-10 Power Filter, its one of the lower output filters in the frist place, but still needs to be lower.

Froggy - I will take a look and see if there is a knob on it, to turn it down. But I am sure AquaTechs dont come with that option.

CapsLock - Thats about what I was thinking, just want to see if anyone else had tryed it:)

Thanks for the replys.


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2005
Nottingham UK
If you have a betta in a 5 gal you should be fine (I have a betta in a five, But mine is filtered 'cause I also have 2 shrimp and 5 Frogs in there. But the filter is a very gentle extenal affair which produces little or no current). with the filter not included... He / She will breath from the surface ('Cause that's what they do). and weekly water changes should keep the nitrates down..

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Mar 30, 2006
Timbo - Thanks for the reply. I am not worried about the betta not having the filter, but my wife wants some shrimp so the filter would be nice for them. Plus the tank has been an established tank for more then a year (With different fish). And I would hate to kill off every thing in the Bio-Pad.