sltwater vs freshwater TANKS?

hey guys,
i was just wondering because i am starting a new saltwater tank project for christmas....when starting a saltwater, do you need a specail tank for support or w/e? Or will any large aquarium work for either?
i have my eye on a 55 gal plexiglass i think that has a stand that i found at my LFS....would that work?
anything u know will eb helpful, thanks

Sep 30, 2004
Niwot, CO.
Visit site
the tanks are the same i would recommend glass for cleaning purposes though... and a very good filtration system... live rock and/or sand, a protein skimmer, water heater, and a couple power heads. Kinda costly setup but well worth it in the long run. I would also suggest doing ALOT of reading on the hobby as well.
I can help with tank setup questions if you need it...