Slug I.D.?

Oct 3, 2007
Misawa Japan
I went to a few LFS's in the area here and got some pics. In on of the tanks they had this weird slug lookin thing it's white and purple. Can anyone I.D. it for me and is it reef safe. The people that worked there couldn't speak any english so it was hard enough to ask if they could get me 20 blue leg hermits and they want 5 freakin dollars a piece! check out the link for some pics, sorry about the quality

needlepimp/Japanese LFS - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Sea slugs or nudibranchs require specialized care and as Tre said any death that results could wipe out your tank before you even knew it was dead. Sea apples and cucumbers are equally dangerous. I have a black cucumber in my 75 that I have had for over 18 mos and every day I check it out carefully to make sure it is still processing my sand......They are wonderful sand cleaners but come with a few risks. The other thing in that tank...the chocolate chip star is not reef safe either. You should concentrate on getting more sand and rock.......I wouldn't add any livestock until you are at the optimal sand and rock stage as any you add will add a cycle to your tank.