how many do u think i could get in a 15-20g?
here are some of the species i liked the look of:
Neolamprologus brevis
Neolamprologus caudopunctatus
Neolamprologus multifasciatus
Neolamprologus similis
With all the above shell-dwellers, you could keep a pair in a 15-20g.....with a 20g you could also keep a pair of juli.transcriptus and a syno petricola.
You could also get some Neetroplus nematopus. Its a CA cichlid so your water chemistry should be fine. During breeding, they display the most dramatic color change of any cichlid. Also called poor man's Tropheus
Here's a link:
Originally posted by TaffyFish With all the above shell-dwellers, you could keep a pair in a 15-20g.....with a 20g you could also keep a pair of juli.transcriptus and a syno petricola.
Well, that's a good point as few of us Brits think in terms of H and L.....I was thinking 20g in terms of a 24x12x15". Quite right, I shouldn't assume.
This should help. Im in the same boat as you right now. I have a 20 that is just asking for fish. Look at the malawi cichlids. They are easy to come by at the store, just look in the "mixed africans" tanks and you will find most of them listed there.
Shellys are cool.... But they are usualy really hard to find. Call around. Count yourself lucky if your LFS has some.
So um. CM why do they list them on the cookiecutter list. I have been trying to figure it out. Because I have kinda came to that conclusion also.
Though I would love to have 3 yellow labs and 3 powder blues or 3 rusties It just seemed like to much fish after I got looking at it.
I guess the only reason I mentioned them, and was looking at them was because I can always find them here in town. Where as apistos and shellies are never stocked.
i think i'll ask around my lfs and see if they can get me some shellies in stock.
would a pair of convicts be ok if i cant get the shellies? i dont have any other tanks if they have fry, but i could always sell their fry or feed them to my catfish?
I have no idea why they list them. I guess its possible to keep maybe a pair at most in that size tank, but i don't reccomend it.
Yes a pair of Convicts will be fine. Let me tell you from experience. You can't sell convicts unless someone wants them as feeders, and then you really can't sell them for over 50 cents each. Great fish, great beginner breeder/cichlid. And the catfish might eat them.
after re-reading this i would not suggest apistogrammas, they like soft acidic water, Ph of around 6.5-6.8 is best for them, but they will adapt to other water conditions.
one last point on the shellies - depending on how fine your gravel is, you really should switch the substrate to sand. Multies and similis will dig the substrate til the shells hit the bottom of the tank, brevis and ocellatus will bury their shells til just the opening is visible. This would be very hard work in gravel.
You'll find it hard to sell convict fry.....there are more convicts than water molecules !
Well, i agree you should best fit your fish to natural water conditions, but most fish today are captive bred and have adapted to non-natural water conditions. So you can pretty much adapt them quickly to your water.
all good stuff but listen to those who recc the Tangy shell dwellers, real characters, easy to maintain and fairly easy to breed. If you go for the occelatus watch your fingers. They may be small but what they lack in size they make up for in bravery!
I have a few gold ones currently!
Multi's are a general safe bet as they will form a community with offsring much more readily than some of the others.