Small cories?

Oct 22, 2002
I'm still trying to decide how to stock my 20H tank once it's all set up, and when I was at the LFS yesterday, I thought the cories were very cool, especially the julii cories. Problem is, I don't want something that's going to get too big. Any suggestions of small, playful, cool cories for a smaller tank? I couldn't find this anywhere!

Oct 22, 2002
Not an expert, but I've had julii and they stayed small.  For a twenty high, depending on what else you stock you should be able to keep three of almost any cory, IMHO.  

You must check out Planet Catfish.  Maybe someone who knows how can post the link in this thread.


BTW, almost all cories stay under 3"; all cories are playful and all cories are way cool.  They remind me of little sniffing puppy dogs.  Clothahump has a web site dedicated to cories.  Check it out in member profiles.  It's called or something but it's a cory site.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Most species of cories will stay small, but not all species of cories are hearty. Panda cories have been reported as one of the more senitive, difficult cories to keep.

My personal favorites are emerald greens, which you can usually purcase at fry sizes of less than an inch. I've six of them in my 20H and have had them there for at least two years now, the largest one (my spawning female<G>) is only about an inch and a half in size.

Sterbai are the coolest cories in my opinion. They are hard to come across and I missed out on a great deal for some. But I won't next time!  

Planet Catfish . com is your best cory resource.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The only fish I've ever seen that doesn't get along with a corie are fish that might eat one.  Even my plecos and rainbow shark seem to tolerate the cories snuffling around "their" caves and rarely if ever chase them around. And I've yet to meet any aggressive corie at all my self.

There are no special considerations with cories that I can think of. One that has been an on/off debate is the substrate they are placed on. Cories that get placed on a very rough, sharp substrate might wear their barbles off.  Healthy cories should always have nice, long, pointed barbles around their mouths.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I know you are gonna get people just posting you names of different corry's that stay small and that you have been given a site, however I would like to give you my opinion  :) I like the peppered Corys and they stay small! they are quite active aswell (or appear to be more active than my Bronze Catfish) I have had Panda Corys before and I them Very sensitive! as someone else has already stated!  as a matter of intererest I have 2 Red Cap Orandas in one of My tropical tanks (they do great! although they are coldwater fish) this may seem a little odd! but they do alot of bottom feeding. I have frequent squabbles in that tank between the Red Cap Orandas and my Leapoard Plec who has claimed the bottom of the tank in his name and anyone who tries to feed off it usually get moved on by him! this being the red cap orandas usually stealing food from his tank bottom! (red capped orandas can grow big) but it is worth considering (the addition to the Leapoard plec isnt advisable though!) that was a mistake that I have learnt from! how ever he doesnt hurt the red capped prandas though so he's fine at the moment.