Small Heater and Filter Options


Medium Fish
Jun 27, 2010
I have a 1.5 G tank that I want to put a betta in. For mini heaters I am looking at either the Hydor mini heater or the Marineland 10 watt heater.
Hydor link: Hydor Mini Aquarium Heaters - Heating - Fish - PetSmart
Marineland link: Marineland Thermal Plastic Shatterproof Heater - 10 Watt - Heating - Fish - PetSmart

For filters there are two--the Penn Plax Small World Filter, and the Red Sea Deco Art Nano Filter.
Penn Plax link: Penn Plax Small World Filter at PETCO
Nano Filter link: Red Sea Deco Art Nano Filter at PETCO

Has anyone had any experience with these filters or heaters before? Did they work well, or not so well? Any other suggestions? Thanks for all advice!