Alright. I have come to the decision that my son's platies and the male guppies are going to stay in the 20gH tank they're in right now (it was supposed to be a 20gL, but the bottom fell out of that one when I picked it up, so I grabbed the only large undamaged tank the people had...and it was supposed to be a temporary tank, but I like where the tank is and I like the platies and guppies in it, so...). Since I won't be putting the platies in the 40gL now, that frees up space in the 40gL for a small school of cool fish. This is what I have for stocking so far...
8x female bettas
6x neon tetras
5x otos
10x pygmy cories
3x upside down catfish
1x angelfish
1x rubberlip pleco
AqAdvisor - Intelligent Freshwater Tropical Fish Aquarium Stocking Calculator and Aquarium Tank/Filter Advisor
Two things...yes, I know it only says one oto, but for some reason AqAdvisor doesn't quite calculate the bio-load correctly for otos (or so I've been told by other members of this site). And I will eventually be putting a better filter than the AquaTech 5-15 as the supplimental filter on's just temporary, so I'll have plenty of filtration capacity.
So, bring on the suggestions!
8x female bettas
6x neon tetras
5x otos
10x pygmy cories
3x upside down catfish
1x angelfish
1x rubberlip pleco
AqAdvisor - Intelligent Freshwater Tropical Fish Aquarium Stocking Calculator and Aquarium Tank/Filter Advisor
Two things...yes, I know it only says one oto, but for some reason AqAdvisor doesn't quite calculate the bio-load correctly for otos (or so I've been told by other members of this site). And I will eventually be putting a better filter than the AquaTech 5-15 as the supplimental filter on's just temporary, so I'll have plenty of filtration capacity.
So, bring on the suggestions!