small Tanganyika tank


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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having just failed miserably with 3 adult duboisis in a 35gal tank (85x37x48) I want to switch the tank over to lamprologus brevis and brichardi

if I go for 2 pairs of brevis how many brichardi can I start with? (I'm hoping for a small shoal of at least 6) ... and do I need to get the brevis in first?

I also have a dwarf syno petricola in another tank - would he be ok in here or am I risking any fry that might be produced?


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
cm perhaps?

I am currently setting up a 10gal for some shell dwellers...if you want me to shoot some pics for you i will...wait, i have one pic which I will post...dont have the fish yet (they come tommorow) but i am getting neolamprologus similis...i can let you know more if you are interested

the fish you see are some danios and corys which were place holders until the others arrive (so i didnt have to re-cycle)



Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
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I was thinking cm too....

Anyway, Camaro, did you order the shell dwellers and get them delivered? How does that work? How can they ship fish through the mail?

Also, how many shell dwellers are you getting for that 10gal? I'm just wondering because I have a 29gal which I am cycling. I want to get an idea on how many I can stock in my tank.

btw cool tank.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
fish are shipped all over the country all the time in the mail, its the onyl way to do it, its how all the pet stores get there fish and if done properly is perfectly safe, i know this from experience working at a fish farm sending out orders everyday, cant keep too many shellies in a 10gal is pretty small, a 29 woul dbe nice though with a group of like 10-15 depending on the species (size and agression), camaro, where are the shells?


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
they arent there in the pic...ordered em with the fish, they are the neothaumas from Lake Tanganyika...the similis I am getting are F0...if you do decide to order some fish online I would reccomend Darrell has been really go into a little more detail on what soulfish said, they ship overnight and you either pick them up at the airport, or for a little extra some places will ship to your door...I am getting one male and two females and that will be it...similis prefers a harem to a pair...for a 29 I would imagine you could get at least 3 males...maybe 4 and some females, like soul said, depending on species (there are lots of different shellies)...and maybe a synodontis pair of some smallish variety

you might want to check out for more info, the people there are very knowledgeable

these are a couple of links i read up on it at


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Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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I separated the duboisi as it was just getting too viscious in there, the lfs have agreed to swap a couple of brichardi for each tropheus. I will keep the third on its own at least until it's fins are back in shape like the other two.

I'm confused about soulfish's reply - are we saying a pair of lamp. brichardi must be kept in a species tank? Should I get 4-6 juveniles initially until a pair forms?

oh yes and the dimensions are in cm, approx 33x15x18 inches, it's a Hagen Tropiquarium 88 if you know the brand


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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OK, well the deed is done and the fish installed, photo to follow I'm afraid. gone for 6 brichardi, a pair of multies and 2 ocellatus blue (not sue they are a pair yet!) also 2 telmatochromis vittatus.

They've been in about 40 minutes so far....I've set up 2 groups of shells with rockwork and a combination of rounded gravel, silica sand and crushed coral substrate. The multies are defending their end, the ocellatus are busy exploring the options (hence don't think they're a pair).

the fun begins...:)


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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pics will take a while as I have to finish the film (conventional camera) first...sorry.

I put 6 shells in for 2 multies and 2 ocellatus, unfortunately it looks like the telmats want to be shellies too and even though they're currently sleeping behind the tufa rock, they are trying to take over the ocellatus's group of shells

I moved one of the ocellatus' shells a few inches to see if the telmat would go inside, he tried but didn't fit very well. I also got a bite from the little ocellatus for moving his shell - what a character, you just fall in love with these guys!

I got my fish from a local branch of a national outlet in the UK, Maidenhead Aquatics. From the 6 or 7 branches I've visited so far I would say they are variable in quality of stock and staff but worth doing business with the better ones. I've no experience of buying from any Uk internet firms yet.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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Long way to come for less choice probably Flex!

Right ho, well I have them in for a week and I must ring the changes. The telmats are going back, the brichardi won't have them around and the telmats don't defend themselves at all well.

the brichardi have proven themselves to be very intolerant and want the entire tank to themselves. they harrass the other fish in threes and fours, it will be very interesting to see whether they form a breeding colony or whether a pair forms and expels the remainder.

the multies have dug their shells into a crater (have bottomed out to the glass) and the male defends his ramparts admirably. I have high hopes.

the ocellatus on the other hand have given up defending themselves from the brichardi stormtroopers march in to territory and shells whenever they feel like it - perhaps the ocellatus are a pair of females? consequently I'm going to exchange the telamts for another pair of ocellatus at the lfs tomorrow, increase the open area for the shellies and see where we go from there.

sit tight for further updates in a few days, maybe even a picture now I've completed the film!! :)


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
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gal.aww, man....but I already bought my plane ticket, Taffyfish!! ;)

Well, it sounds like the bricardis won't do well in my 29gal. Unless, I have a species only tank. Hmm....looks like it'll be zebra danios and shellies.

Thanks for the report, taffyfish. :D

Jan 19, 2003
Stavanger, Norway
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My limited experience with brichardis suggests their rap as 'nice' community cichlids isn't true, nasty litle so and so's is more the case, ditto julii marlieri.
I go to the States quite a bit to work, and I think the selection of freshwater fish on sale is much better in the UK, usually as within say a 50 mile range there are just a lot more lfs's to visit. I would nver internet buy fish in Britain, but I think I would if I lived there. Saltwater is a different situation, some parts of Britain are poorly served for both hardware and fish.
If you really want to see variety, go to some shops in Germany! I live in a litle town in Norway, I have 5 lfs's (3 crap) can get 10 differnet types of dwarf cichlid in 15 miles but can't buy a decent protein skimmer or good aragonite sand anywhere.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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Couple of weeks in and the soulfish is proving to be right again. I am down to 3 brichardi now, the others were expelled to the far corners of the tank and were stressing. So far I don't have a definite pair but two seem to be busy in the rockwork whilst the third "stands guard" in the open watching the multies.

I have ditched the lamp. ocellatus as the lfs had nothing but males, they also had their blues and gold stock all confused so I gave them all back. I'm going to try another source for them and give them their own tank - I tell you I am in love with ocellatus, fantastic fish!

The male multi still defends his area very well, the brichardi have tried to muscle in but he won't have it. Spunky little fish.

So, all this I have read about brichardi communities must start out from a dominant parental pair, then the siblings will watch out for each other.

I've also decided against adding the syno. petricola as I've read elsewhere that brichardi will tear it to pieces. I did try adding a calvus for an hour or so, figuring that they are cool cats who can take a spot of bother but no way, two or three brichardi would go at it until it was in a corner - and the male multi wouldn't let it near his patch either.

Here's a useful tip I learned whilst trying to extract the calvus. Once he had been moved from one tank with the net, he had wised up and shot away to the caves the moment the net was dipped into the water. Solution - wait until he falls asleep on the substrate in the dark, then creep in under a low light and lift the little fella out - honestly, he didn't wake up until he was back in the water of his old tank! no thrashing at all - he must have thought the brichardi was just a nasty dream! he he