Small tank and annoying fish store?

Oct 4, 2010
Hey guys.

I had tryed to introduce some cherry shrimp into my small 6 gallon tank but three died on sunday night. I went back to the store today and these were happy to replace them (my water test was fine) with 3 more or something else. The man in the shop recommended 2 paradise fish. Now I specifically asked him if these would be ok in such a small tank and if they would get on with a betta (my intended inhabitant once the shrimp settled) and he said that both would be fine. I also picked up two more shrimp cos i think they are cool!

Well sadly my shrimp wazzed out and started swimming upside down and then lying on their side for ten minutes. Repeated this for several hours then died. Not sure why??

My main problem is that after reading on the internet that my tank is too small for them? And that I wont be able to get a betta??

Finally I was wondering where you guys thought I stand in relation to the shop. If my tank is too small should I ask that they take them back? I am new and dont really know what to do....

Sorry for such a long first post!! I am just a bit frustrated and it takes 20mins to get to the shop so I wanted to make sure I understood first.

P.S. I cant tell if they are male or female so here is pic...


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Oh my, you can't put even one Paradise fish with a betta and I am not sure you can even put two Paradise fish together. All those fish are very territorial. It has nothing to do with the size of your tank. I am sure some other member on the forum will chime in soon. Welcom and Good Luck!


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
I had tryed to introduce some cherry shrimp into my small 6 gallon tank but three died on sunday night. I went back to the store today and these were happy to replace them (my water test was fine) with 3 more or something else. The man in the shop recommended......


If the nice SALESMAN at the store recommends you buy something go home and do your research. I've had one suggest a common pleco (which grows to around 19 inches or more) for my 10 gallon. DO NOT take their word for it. They will not always suggest what's in your best interest.

So, on your questions...
The paradise fish is also known as the paradise GOURAMI. Treat them like normal gouramis except.....grumpier and heartier (They are some of the original aquarium fish and have been known to eat danios). You could technically keep one of those paradise fish in a 15, but keeping one in a 6 is completely nuts. Yes, gourami are similar to betas, but not the same.

My guess on the shrimp, since I don't own any, is that they were terrified of the paradise fish. I could be mistaken on this though.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
my guess for the shrimp is that they didnt like the water chemistry, even if you did acclimate them for about an hour.
They would do much better in a tank that is matured, maybe around 6 months or more. Cherry shrimp are hardy, and can live in tanks as small as a gallon or less, but you must know what you're doing if you intend to keep them in such small tanks. 6 gals is fine. shrimp and bettas don't get along, but if you can run the tank as a shrimp only tank for a while, the cherry shrimp will reproduce like mad, and then you can add the betta. the betta should be good at population control.

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
I simply would call the store, ask for the owner and tell him that you were given bad advice. Tell him that on the forum you belong to that is seen by thousands of fish keepers, they recommended the store take them back and give you credit for new livestock. If that does not work, bring the fish with you and at there busiest time walk in and politely ask for your money back....

Oct 4, 2010
The man in the shop recommended......

Haha yeah I have learnt that lesson now!

I rang them and they were pretty understanding. I could hear the girl turn and say to her manager "basically duncan has sold this guy an anabantoid death trap". So they were apologetic and said the other person was relatively new. Refunded me and replaced the eaten shrimp.

A nice happy ending. Hopefully.

Cheers for all the help guys!! Really appreciate it.