Small web sites made FREE!!!


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
For a short while, and while i am on holidays, i am offering all myfishtank members the opportunity to have their web sites made for free as long as they are of a reasonable size (not TOO large lol). Some other restrictions may occer, but the above pretty much covers ot all.... FREE WEB SITES!!!
I am a web designer with 2 years experience under my belt, so you know your site will be made by a quality designer who knows what he is doing...
if u want in on this deal, then leave me a message
- *thumbsupsmiley*DUELLSY


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I don't know much about websites but I wouldn't mind setting up one to show my pictures after I get the digital camera.  So how many MB is it?
I would be interested. *thumbsupsmiley*


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
[quote author=arcab4 link=board=classified&num=1010298481&start=0#1 date=01/05/02 at 23:13:38]
wow. thanks Duellsy for offering such a service just for our members. hmm. can i take you up on the offer. wanna redo this site for me? haha. i'm just kidding.

I actually love the layout of this site arcab, who designed/coded it? they deserve a pat on the back :D
If u do ever ned any help though, just leave me a message, i'd be more than happy to help out!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yes clothahump.  You can probably improved the site by posting a picture of Brittany Spears on the left side and Pamela Anderson on the right.  If you want to hit the more sophisticated crowd, Catherine Zeta Jones near the top middle. ;D


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I would recommend No frames, just a personal preference. I pretty much hate frames, sure they may make your site that little bit faster, having the same piece of code at the top of each page is the way to go (with ASP this piece of code can be changed once, and is automatically changed throughout the site, neat trick) but once youve seen the original pic, it is cached on your hard drive and there is pretty much no download time next time you see it, and text takes no time to download, so frames dont really save that much time. IMO all they do cause stress when they decide not to behave. :-[

Also i would recommend that your banner be made smaller, approx 50px in height, and not take up more than 100% of your pages width, that is one of the most ugly things a site can have is a scrollbar along the x-axis! YUK.
Oh yeah, and place it at the VERY TOP of your page.

Have you ever heard of css? if you have, i suggest that to be used for all your links to give your site some more beauty ;) If u dont, i'll fill you in.

IMO backgrounds images are a no go. They strain teh readers eye in many cases, and a well selected color scheme is always more applealing when layed out through the entire site...
I have more, but I think that will do for the time being, so yeah, try those options out, and keep me updated on how things are going! *thumbsupsmiley*



Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
Well, frames are faster than ASP and easier for the beginner to code. If I were you, I'd go with frames. A single fame down the left side would work nicely.

Agreed, frames can be a pain sometimes, but you're not gonna have to worry about merging frames or anything. Just two simple columns. That can be accomplished very easily.

<frameset cols="15%,*">
  <frame src="left.html" name="Left Sidebar">
  <frame src="main.html" name="Main Frame">

ASP is a lot more fun...but a bit more work...

I also agree that backgrounds are annoying, stick with solid colors.

Ditch the image map, that's slowing you down more than anything else.



The Big Fish
The Big Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sunny Southern California
image map is where you have one giant image and then you "mark" certain parts of it as links. the best way is to cut up the images and connect them together using tables.

i would also try to make the site at most 800pxl wide. that's the standard nowadays. i remember how it used to be 640pxl. yikes. my browsers are sized at 800 so when i go to your site, i have to scroll sideways to view the site.



Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
In some cases JWright frames are faster, that being most of the site (oops lol) but the first page viewed will take a little while as it is actually 3 pages loading, the frameset page and the two frames individual pages. But after that the site works quicker, and yeah it is pretty easy to code. But it was JMO that i dont like them, just a personal thing. :)

Oh yeah, and i wasn't suggesting that ASP be used, i was just pointing out a handy piece of script.... one line long:
<!-- #INCLUDE FILE="title.txt" -->
inserting that script on each page you want the file to be on, then changing only the file 'title.txt' once changes it throughout the site...if u get what i mean.  *thumbsupsmiley*

And yeah, try and keep clear of the x-axis scrollbar!



Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
Frontpage has a nasty habit of using image maps for _everything_. The map that I'm refering to is it includes all of your links.

If you're curious why this is bad, it's because it means you have to load a 4KB image and the following nasty looking code:
<map name="map398">
<area shape="rect" coords="47,6,118,30" href="index.html">
<area shape="rect" coords="47,56,118,82" href="page2.html">
<area shape="rect" coords="26,102,139,128" href="page3.html">
<area shape="rect" coords="26,153,139,177" href="page4.html">
<area shape="rect" coords="47,302,132,327" href="page5.html">
<area shape="rect" coords="14,327,147,351" href="page5.html">
<area shape="rect" coords="34,360,143,385" href="page6.html">
<area shape="rect" coords="22,385,143,411" href="page6.html">
<area shape="rect" coords="34,415,132,441" href="page13.html">
<area shape="rect" coords="14,441,147,464" href="page13.html">
<area shape="rect" coords="0,0,159,609">
<img width=161 height=610 border=0 src="img4.gif" usemap="#map398">

The same thing could be accomplished using simple hyperlinks (and maybe a table if you were really anal about your alingment).

The easiest way to speed your site up would be to stop using Frontpage. If you did that page manually, you would easily cut the size in half.

Ok, perhaps I should be more specific. In this case, frames would be faster.  SS scripting and dynamic HTML are cool tricks, but they're gonna slow you down in most cases.

I get what you mean with the "title.txt," but what happens when I change "left.html" from my example up above? Same net effect.



Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Josh -
Sure the same thing pretty much happens, although with frames you basically are cutting down teh size of your window by 15-20% depending on its size, and its static, it just stays on the side or top of your screen.
If the same piece of code is placed at the top of each page (the title.txt scenario) that becomes a part of the page, hence it scrolls up with the rest of the page.
As you have no doubt seen, most of the good/successful sites (including the magnificant use this framesless idea. It gives your site so much more freedom and space.
Also, with this idea, you can give someone a url to any page you want, with a frames page, you cannot do this(at least ive never seen it done). The user must go to the frames page, then follow the links.

I do agree though, lose the imagemaps, they are so slow it's not funny.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
Yes, frames to cut down on your window size (if you are using it as a top menu that is... if you are using a side bar, you don't gain any space by using ASP. Look at this site for an example); and yes, they to make linking hard (but not impossible, you can refer to a  specific page, you just lose the frame). But IMO, for someone just starting out, or someone who doesn't feel like scripting, the ease of frames out weigh the negatives.

Just in case someone hasn't picked it up yet, Duellsy and I are just discussing different ways to do the same thing, neither option is "more right" than the other. Each has its place.

Duellsy, I'll be interested to see what you do with clothahump's site, I'm always looking for ways to improve my own sites (such as they are..., I don't have a whole lot of time to work on them).



Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
You have more sites?
Cool, gimme the URL's...
oh and by the way, i didn't mean any space was 'created' just that none at all was lost when the page is scrolled down.(*that only applies to a top menu, like you said - this site has a side menu, and theres still plenty of room, and ASP cant help that :-[).
I think im a little too passionate about disliking frames, in many cases they can definitely be the way to go. *thumbsupsmiley* And i have and do use them... but i look for alternatives. As a beginner i loved them... simply because it seemed like it was doing cools things... clicking a link on one frame and having it open in another, lol.
Oh yeah, are the sites all yours... or have you made other peoples sites too?