Small white worms

Oct 23, 2002
Philladelphia PA
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A few days ago i noticed what i think is ich growing on one of my fish i have been treating the tank with an anti ich medicine. and now there are what look like little white worms in my tank. it kinda looks like they are comming out of the filter but im not sure. my bala sharks have been eating the little things and im not sure if i should worry about them or not. if any one could help tell me what the worms could be i would be very greatfull.


They are on the bottom and sides of my betta fry tank too. (If we are talking about the same thing. I think they are harmless and good food. I thought maybe they were baby tubifex worms at first, but they don't seem to be getting any bigger. White worms, grindal worms, and micro worms are all terestrial. Hmm. Midge larvae maybe? Actually I think those swim around. I'm going to stick with baby tubifex worms, but I'm not sure.

Oct 22, 2002
White worms

These worms are Planira. They are from too much waste in the gravel and filter tubes. Best way to get rid of them, and it's not easy, is to vacuum your gravel and water changes once a week for a couple of months. Good luck.

Oct 22, 2002
Oh ya, and you are going to need to clean your filter tubes as well. Get a brush specially designed for this. If you don't they will come back in a matter of days, these buggers dont' quit easily.