I second Niki, unless of course, you really enjoy doing large volume water changes very frequently. I would invest in a python siphon hose with sink adapter if that is the case.
How many fish you want depens upon how much work you want to do, especially with oscars. They are a large, slightly aggressive, territorial, and somewhat destructive, fish that are what those in the hobby call "dirty" fish because they eat soo much and poop so much. Three of them might be a bit cramped in 75 gallons, and they will eat everything else. One pair of oscars are all you will probably have in your tank. Personally, I would not do anymore. While your oscars may look small now, remember, they grow and in the future you will regret that you crammed so many into one tank. The more fish you have, the more they eat, the more the poop, the more filtration you will need on that tank, and the more water changes you will be doing...
Oscars don't like tankmates much anyway, they are extreamly territorial and chase and harass whatever they can't eat. They do enjoy digging up plants, even plastic ones, and redecorating. Anything you have in your tank should be siliconed down snuggly if you want it to stay where you place it.
As far as knowing when the cycle is done, that requires both ammonia and nitrIte test kits. You should see your ammonia levels rise (preferably off the scale) then drop back down to zero. Then the nitrIte level should rise (preferably off the scale) and also drop down to zero. This should occure without you removing water from the tank. It may require that you test your tank water every day if not every other day. I like to chart my values on Excel.
Good luck