Smoke on the water


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Hi guys, well the new tanks been running for 2 weeks now, lovely and crystal clear, but I got home from work yesterday and it looks like its clouded up again? What do you think, algae bloom? There is no colour to the cloudiness. shall I just leave it to clear natrually? Water tests ammonia 0 nitrates 0 so the water quality's fine.
Thanks, Ad


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Normally in a freshwater tank a white cloudiness indicates bacteria, so I'm surprised these no ammonia. SO, your tank is zero ammonia and nitrate, so either it's all zero , meaing completely uncycled, or it's all nitrite or your test kits are inaccurate/rubbish - possible. It's not sand, what has gone in there so far in terms of gravel, plants, fish , chemicals?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Hi Wayne, there is a sand bottom but I dont think it was disturbed.
Water in it for 2 weeks, 1 synodontis in it for 1 week very happy, no chemicals added except dechlorinator, no plants, its a Malawi tank.
I dont think the kits are wrong as the ammonia and nitrate test are 2 different tests... maybe the syno kicked up a load of sand in the night? It has 2 Ehiem 2280 's on so would these keep churning the sand back out if it is suspended in the water?