Snail & Betta?


Large Fish
Mar 24, 2004
gainesville, fl
no snails will do a great job cleaning up algae. i wouldn't buy one for that purpose. apple snails (commonly sold as mystery snails) are neat snails though and are worth having for their own coolness. you might also consider adding a couple ghost shrimp. they're fun to have in a small betta setup.

Apr 14, 2004
Minnesota, USA
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Are ghost shrimp easy to care for? I want to get a couple of female bettas for my 20 gallon tank (once it is cycled and prime for living creatures) and I was trying to find a good algae eater also. I've heard that snails will continue to reproduce and over populate a tank. A few friends warned that if you want a snail just have a snail tank separate from your fish tank.



Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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Hi, the apple snails and the big guys you see in the pet stores reproduce sexually, so they are unlikely to overrun your tank. ghost shrimp are fairly easy to care for, you have to make sure they have a place to hide while they are molting, but other that that - I can't think of too mant specific needs. They are fun to watch too. However, they aren't great algae eaters. YOu might consider instead amano shrimp (also easy to care for) or otocinclus catfish.

Originally posted by Pugwinkle
Hi, I have a betta in a 2.5 gallon hex tank. I am wondering what type of snail I could put with the betta? I want a snail that will do a good job of cleaning up any algae
Personally I think the only good snail in a fish tank is the one about to be eaten. They cloud up the water really quick. And they don't eat much algae.


Small Fish
Mar 23, 2004
Ontario, Canada
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Originally posted by RED TIGER OSCAR
First of all a betta in a 2.5 kind of small.Also a snail is not a good idea for algea change to a ten and get a pelco *thumbsdow
I thought it was kind of small too but I went to many Betta forums and they said he would be just fine in there. I do plan to get him in a 5 or 10 gallon as soon as I move though. I put a snail in with him but he hated having company so now the snail is living in my 29 gallon doing just fine.