Snail Owner To Be

Jul 13, 2005
I am going to get a snail but here is my question,Are water snails a good choice for a beginer or does it really matter?I have the tank and everything for a few snails.But just what kind of snail should I get?My grandma has a big garden too,should I look for a snail there?

garden snails won't survive in the aquarium, just go to a walmart or something and get an apple snail, i'm no expert on snails but if you get a few snails your going to end up with baby snails eventually so one is enough, unless all the snails you have are either all males or females or if you want baby snails.... if you dont have plants then most of the big snails in your lfs's will be good choices for your tank


Large Fish
May 16, 2003
Galloway, OH
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I really wouldn't recommend getting more than one because like Balloon Fish said they are bound to multiply exponentially. I almost swear you can drop a pair of snails in a bucket of rubbing alcohol and they'll still thrive and breed. They're easy to keep - you pretty much don't have to think about it. What size is your tank? If it's large, one snail isn't going to be of much use and it'll be mostly for show then.


Medium Fish
May 12, 2005
I have one snail (luckly I believe it is a male because I have never had eggs) in a 10 gal. Another thing you need to consider is it poops ALOT!!! It gets everywhere and it is hard to get it all with a gravel vac. (and this is only one week). You will also need to make sure the top is covered and any holes are covered as well, because they will escape.

My son loves the snail though. Everynight before we go to bed we have to find it to tell it good night. lol He's 2 what can I say. :) I believe it is a tactic to stay awake longer!

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Yeah just go to the store and pick up some apple snails or something similar. Snails are very hardy, reproduce quickly, and do not have difficult care requirements, just clean water and food such as algae. Good luck.

Jul 13, 2005
Snails are not males or females they are both.1 snail can not fertilize by itself though.Where I am there are only 1 type of snail sold around here,water snails.There are the golden water snail and the black water snail.I want babies to so I am going to get 2 since they breed crazy(1 gold and 1 black). *celebrate Oh yeah my tank is a 5 or 8 gallon tank and they tank there is smaller than a 2 gallon tank so I think I will have room. :)

Jul 13, 2005
Well I just looked up apple snails and I think the ones at my pet store IS a apple snail but I am not sure,I will figure it out there!If I get a apple snail I will only get one.

Jul 13, 2005
Can Golden Apple Snials breathe out of water? :confused: I saw some pic of some on land but can thay breate :eek: .THey have to breathe but do they need to be in water almost all of their life? :confused: *PEACE!*

Dec 8, 2004
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i've heard of snails crawling out of tanks on accident and people finding them on their walls later. so.. yes? maybe? or maybe they can just go a little while without water... Keep them in the water though. that's where they're supposed to be. i have two snails in my 10 gallon... and im waiting for eggs lol. i dont want them, but i know i'll eventually have some.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
They stay in water most of their life...but when they lay eggs they lay them outside the water line. If you take them out of the water its ok for a little while as long as they stay moist. Have you read up them? has more info on them than you could possibly want.

And contrary to what you said...many types of snails are asexual which means ONE can reproduce on its common pond snails. If you WANT to breed apple snails you should get several of them and make sure there's room for them to lay eggs in a spot that will allow them to hatch. You will get probably 200 or so babies out of one clutch of eggs....and the tank will have to be taken down and cleaned once you get them all out. Trust me...cuz it happened to me :) They were fun for awhile, now I just have one in each tank and thats all I want.