Snail population issues


Small Fish
Apr 24, 2012
West Bountiful, Ut
Hey all, I need some help controlling the snail population in my 26g planted tank. I need some of them to keep the plants clean and they are doing an awesome job at that. But I also have some of the crappy pond snails that came with a plant breeding. And now there are some of the bigger mystery snails I think with little ones. I've got 2 different cory cats, 3 otos and a black dojo loach along with a variety of ghost and cherry shrimp, but no one seems to be eating snails. Or maybe not enough of them LOL! Is there another loach that might be better for this task? Ideas anyone?? Thanks!


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I don't think there is a good loach for that for a little tank like that one. Sometimes reducing feeding helps, especially since it sounds like you're more interested in limiting population rather than totally eradicating snails. Generally if you find a fish that is actually going to eat whatever pest you are trying to limit, they don't just stop conveniently for you when they reduce the number.... they will totally wipe that pest out of the tank.

A better option may be placing a slice of fresh cucumber sitting on the bottom of the tank overnight. It will generally be covered by snails in the morning. Remove, feed to birds or whatever you choose to do to eliminate the snails, and repeat as needed.