Snail problem . . . HELP!

Feb 18, 2007
Living in a small college dorm with three other girls, we have no idea about snails.

Well, one of the girls brought a snail and put it in our 10 gallon tank with our two guppies. The snail has now multiplied to a mass extent. We certainly don't need that many snails so . . . we cleaned out the whole tank (with warm water) and all the gravel and plants, hoping to kill every snail we had.

Now, my question is, have we really killed all the snails? And if no . . . how can we get rid of the snail problem??

Here's all the info I have so far:
- we have no idea what type of snail it was that started the problem
- the guppies are "fancy guppies"
- a "skunk botia" was suggested to help (how helpful would that be??)


Superstar Fish
Aug 26, 2006
Thule, Greenland
With just warm water you may not have killed all the snails. You may have removed the eggs that were in the tank. How ever the Adult will continue to lay eggs and you will continue to have a snail problem. One of hte major factors to snail population is over feeding. I would cut back on how often and what you feed. Also Since you do not want a lot of snails I would removed the snail you bought. You can catch snails but baiting them on to a piece of Cucumber or Zuccini. Place the Cucumber ona peice of fishing line with a weight before going to bed. In the morning pullit out and collect the snails. If you ask around there are some people looking for small snails to feed to their puffers and other fish. You may be able to get rid of the snails that way. You can also ask your LFS to see if they will buy them form you. They wont pay much. You can but a snail eating fish but in a 10G tank you are really limited on what you can have.

Good luck


Nov 14, 2006
Fishers, IN
Most LFS's also have a chemical based product that will kill all the snails in your tank - not something Ive ever used. People will say different things about using chemicals with fish, but it's something you may want to look into.
Loaches are very good at eating snail, but in a 10g you might not be able to keep them... :/