snail problem

Oct 3, 2010
Detriot Mi
this what i did . 1st smash all the snail eggs they look like goo on glass plants and decorations. 2nd take as many as you see and kill them or what ever you want to do with them. Also what ryanoh said do the lettuce , cucumber, zucchini or what ever you have trick , you put a piece of vegggi under a small plate leave it over night and com back the next day and most of the snails are on the plate and take them out.


Small Fish
Jan 15, 2011
I had terrible snails and the only thing that worked was a clown loach. It ate all of the snails in about a week. I tried EVERYTHING else and this was the only thing that worked.

Make sure your filter isn't full of snails either. Mine was, and I had to wash it out to make sure there weren't any in there.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; One of the most often cited reasons for a large population of snails is too much food available for them. This could be algae or parts of dead fish or plant matter, but most likely is from overfeeding with fish food. Fish tend to need a lot less food than you might think.
In addition to reduced amounts of fish food, you might try not feeding at all one or two days a week. The fish will search out the edible bits.
If overfeeding is one of the causes for a big snail population, then the snails are doing an important job in the tanks by eating the extra food. Uneaten food can sour a tank.
If you decide to kill the snails with some form of treatment be aware that a sudden die off of a lot of snails may cause the water to go bad when all the dead snails begin to rot.
I catch excess snails and crush them with plires (You do not want to use your fingers) and feed them to my fish. It is a good source of live food that the fish take with gusto.