snail question


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
I have a snail who is really big, I think he is an apple snail or mystery snail but not too sure. Here is a picture of him or her. Anyway I find he is really lazy and never really moves so want to get another snail but am afraid of breeding. They have a yellow shell snail up at my local pet store but the lady said it reproduces by itself cause she finds baby snails often in the tank, but don't know if that is true though i will show you the picture of the yellow shelled snail i am talking about and let me know if I can add it to my tank with out any danger with my snail. Thanks.

this is the yellow snail i saw kinda looks more round though but anyways.

Google Image Result for


Small Fish
Apr 14, 2007
Ottawa, Canada
Check out for great info.

From the pic, I'm going to guess yours is a wild-coloured cana (Pomacea canaliculata) and the yellow one you saw could be either a cana or a brig (Pomacea Bridgessii). If it's rounder than the pic you posted, then it's likely also a cana, so yes they could breed if you have a male and female.

IMO a 5 gallon is too small for 2 canas. My understanding is that one cana requires 5 gallons for bioload when they reach their larger size. With your stocking levels, I would suggest lots of water changes to keep up with their waste (or a bigger tank :))

Make sure you feed him vegetables - applesnails need to be fed otherwise they can starve. Again there's lots of info at on food, but typically, canas will eat raw or cooked veg, while brigs need it cooked. They don't have the mouthparts to eat fresh veg. I feed my brigs cooked kale, zucchini, dandelion etc.


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
I feed my snail algae wafers but he is always in the same spot for days and never cleans the glass which is full of algae along with the plants and gravel. So not sure what to do. HE is really lazy i find lately the past few months


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
I read on the snail website that SAE mentioned, that the snails will only be active when they have to be to find food. If the food is readily available, then there will be less movement from them. Not sure if that's the case for all snails.


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
would kinda make sense cause he is always stealing my bottom feeders algae wafers. but I cannot feed the bottom feeders what am i to do. Meanwhile my tank is still full of algae and the stuff won't even come off when i scrub it. :mad: ANy other suggestions? My light has been kept off for 3 days now cause tryin to get rid of the algae. Don't have any other ideas. I mean its everywhere even on the gravel and fake plants and ornaments and not to mention on the glass. On the ornaments tho it looks like mossy algae and it won't come off.


Small Fish
Apr 14, 2007
Ottawa, Canada
You are right that they are tropical, so increasing the heat will help, most applesnails don't do well at cooler room temperatures.

With respect, I am concerned about your stocking levels - a full grown cana needs about 5 gallons just for itself, and with the other fish you have there, I wouldn't have them in anything smaller than a 10 gallon and even that would be pushing it. Unless you are doing massive waterchanges twice a week, I worry that your water parameters are poor which can also lead to an inactive snail.

The algae in your tank sounds like a brush algae which very few fish will eat - I am not surprised your cana isn't eating it.


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
I am always doing water changes almost every week cause it evaporates really fast my water. SO I take half a jug out and out and add a full one in. Also my parameters are always the same i check them every water change usually or every 2 to 3 weeks

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New Fish
Sep 16, 2007
Houston, British Columbia
snail movement

I have an apple snail as well, named Melvin, and I've had him for maybe four months. Since I've had him, he is nearly always moving. And fast! (well, fast for a snail!) I noticed that you guys were saying they only move when they need to, but my guy looks like he's training for the snail Olympics. I feed that tank fish food pellets, and I've just started adding a couple of skinned canned peas to the tank as well. Do I have to put something else in the tank specifically for him?
I will also check out that website you guys mentioned a couple of posts back, and see what I can find there!