Snail question


New Fish
Nov 17, 2007
We are long time fish tank-ers, but recently added one Blue Mystery Snail to our 50 gallon tank. Every time he starts cruzin up the sides our other fish start pecking at him and eventually knock him down... My questions are this: can the snail be moved to a smaller fish bowl that has 2 goldfish in it?? Its not heated. Also, will he climb out and above the waterline? I've never seen him do it in the big tank, but he also rarely has the chance to climb all the way to the top.
Any help would be appriciated.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I would be far more concerned about the two goldfish in the fish bowl. No fish belongs in a fish bowl, especially not goldfish. Goldfish need at least 20 gallons for the first one, and then an extra 10 gallons for each extra goldfish you plan to keep.

Oct 18, 2007
more Snail questions:

i am a begginer in all this,i have a 10g fresh water tank with 2 danios(Mike and Dre),1 orange goumari(Big Daddy),1 australian raimbow (Ozzy) and 1 catfish (Max) and right now i don't how and where it come i have a blackshell snail (Enigma),this is the first time i saw it since 5 months

the questions:

-does it came with the plants that i bought 3 months ago?
-that means that my fishtank is a healthy environment?
-it will contaminate my fishtank?
-it will control the algae?
-more snails will came after that one?
-i should take it out?

waiting for answers and God bless you all


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Your 10gallon fish tank is overstocked. Get at least a 20 or 29 gallon for all those fish, they are too crowded. What kind of snail is it? Look online for pictures of either mystery snails, trumpet snails, or pond snails. If it is a trumpet or pond snail, expect more very soon. They are good and help keep the tank clean, nothing to really worry about. You do need a bigger tank though.

Oct 18, 2007
yeah,i did my research,is a mystery snail,where it came from? i don't know

overstocked tank? you're right,but my wife change the water every week,and we have plants(more plants on the way)

one of the danios is hidding behind the rocks for days,it only came out to eat

thanks for all the info