I thought the lilsnails were cute, and i even saw a wjhite one, but now i want them all gone, they keepmaking more and more and there destroying my plants!!!, especially my foregorund plants!! it's not fair, how cna i get rid of them, what kind of fish?
I have a 20 gallon community, ph is at about 6.5, ammonia 0 and nitrite 0
What fish would be good?
I thought the lilsnails were cute, and i even saw a wjhite one, but now i want them all gone, they keepmaking more and more and there destroying my plants!!!, especially my foregorund plants!! it's not fair, how cna i get rid of them, what kind of fish?
I have a 20 gallon community, ph is at about 6.5, ammonia 0 and nitrite 0
What fish would be good?