Snails dying


Small Fish
Oct 31, 2005
I have a 10 gallon tank with one goldfish and two apple snails in it. Well, there were two. They have been in that tank for about 2 months. I have done water changes frequently but never over 50 %. Recently I have noticed what I think is algae growth, although it is kind of brownish-green, and popped up suddenly. It is all over everything. I have cleaned it off and it is back in a couple of days. The water parameters are fine, and the goldfish is doing wonderfully. A few days ago one of the snails crawled out of his shell and then just disappeared. Last night I noticed that the other one had crawled out of his. He is still there and alive though. Any idea whats going on?


Small Fish
Oct 31, 2005
the Gel-tek is supposed to be safe for crustaceans, I had to check because the Jungle Parasite clear wasn't, (I had an infestation of camellanus worms in my other tank, but I treated them all just to be safe because I use the same net and gravel vac on all three)


Small Fish
Oct 31, 2005
No, but it is a reply..I guess nobody knows much about snails? My other snail is also dead now, I pulled his little corpse out this morning. My daughter was very upset about Gary (spongebob) dying. I am down to one large (fist sized) mystery snail. He is in another tank though. Hopefully someone can help me, I would like to replace the snails but don't want to kill anymore (I would like to find out whats going on and make the tank safe for the new ones)

May 12, 2005
I have had two apple snails in a ten gallon tank with some neon tetras and a algae eater for about a year now. I have never had any problems and also use aquasafe. check out the website and maybe you can find some helpful info. I got a lot of info from that website when I first got my snails.


Superstar Fish
May 24, 2005
Chesapeake, Va
I was curious about this and looked all over the web. I didn't find anything about snails coming out of their shells. They really shouldn't have to because their shells grow with them. Are you sure they didn't die in the shell and a fish pulled them out? I have had snails for a long time and a few have died over the years but either the other fish tried eating them at that point or they just died inside their shells.....

The only thing I saw that seemed remotely close to an explaination is if the water is too acidic their shells will start to dissolve. If their shells dissolve they may decide that it's no longer a beneficial enviroment for them, but thats like committing suicide cause they get eaten...