snails in tank


Medium Fish
Oct 4, 2005
SW Michigan
How in the heck did I get snails in my non-planted cichlid tank?!?
When I rinsed my filter pad today, I realized that the small dark pieces stuck in it were snails, not charcoal pieces like I thought at first.
I haven't added any fish in 3-5 months.

For treatment, thus far, I replaced the filter pad with fresh, rinsed out the filter (marineland penguin 350) with hot water (of course, did not rinse bio-wheel). There were probably 5-10 in the filter box, and >20 in the filter pads. None are evident in the tank itself, I looked carefully when cleaning the gravel during the water change today. But they could still be in the gravel, anyway.

So, what else do I do, if anything?

Thanks in advance.


Medium Fish
Oct 4, 2005
SW Michigan
The snack idea may be why I didn't see any in the tank-as far as I can tell, the snails aren't hurting anything.
I have yellow labs, peacocks, & others.