

New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
In my 55 gallon tank and my 30 gallon, I have had a recent explosoin in snail population.  I intentionally put Malaysian Trumpet Snail in the tank to till the substrate and eat fish poo.  However, I have several "illegal immigrant" snails that I would rather do without.  I realize that clownloaches are the snail population reducer of choice, but they would probably eat my trumpet snails as well.  Is there a fish (or other aquatic animal) that eats snail eggs, because trumpet snails are livebearers and wouldn't be affected.



Im not sure. Im curious however what kind of snails you have and if they are doing any damage like eating your plants or something. I have the same problem in my 90G planted. Snails gelore. Hundreds, thousands, millions Im not sure. What do I do? Nothing! Except maybe  *crazysmiley* sometimes but the snails are not doing any harm whatsoever just eating algae and not plants (whew). When vaccuming gravel, there are many shells empty so they are dying and that is the only limiting factor right now. Probably dying from lack of food.

Im not too sure about fish just eating snail eggs. There might be.

Oct 22, 2002
Once I got my gold barbs, no more slimey snail eggs.  My yoyos also eat the little snails.  If you limit food the snails will not multiply.  They only breed when their is an abundance of food, ie fish food.  A little harder to limit in a large community tank, but my snails quit breeding in my betta tank, he just does not believe in share time.