

Large Fish
Feb 21, 2003
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snail question

speaking of snails... im looking into eventualy getting some... in a tank thats heavily planted *i've got to weed them out weekly* :D i've looked at your typical "mystery" snail at my LFS.. the apple and rams horn snail. Now, i've heard they hate harder water... and hard water i've got... is there any other snail you guys would suggest i could get? or possibly something to effectivly lower the water ph without actualy going and getting bottles of RO water?

thanks :)

Snails won't really help keep plants down, plus there a annoying, i have a almost planted tnak or atleast one side is. I prolly have over 20 snails lol, only 3 big ones, but they reproduce and they are pretty ugly to me!!!!! They don't work that well ur probably better at getting a fish that will eat the plants!! U could get snails, but you may end up with too many at one point in time and not wnat them anymore and it will be ahrd to get rid of all of them!!


Large Fish
Feb 21, 2003
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well. i dont want them to keep the vegetation down but you'd be surprised what they can do to a young amazon sword hehehe. But i think they are cool as hell :D I just need to know if i can get something to lower the ph properly, or find a snail that will tolerate higher ph.... oh,, if you want to get rid of snails... get a clown loach :) they will eat the crustations infesting your tanks so i've heard.*celebrate


Large Fish
Feb 21, 2003
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p-lvp, they sound interesting. will they tolerate hard water? and what type of substrate is desireable for them?

thanks :)

edit: actualy, are these the little buggers that are carried on with live plants?

edit #2: i need something larger :)

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Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Belfast, Northern Ireland
I think that if you do that if you give it a slight poke not too hard and it shrivels up its still alive but if it dont move then its gotta be dead. I remember keeping a crab and feeding it clampits. This was when I was like 9 and i was trying to get a clampit of a rock but my finger went into is soft underside and it just closed its belly up and started sticking to my finger like it did to the rock it was suc a funny feeling so I guess if ya do that your snail should shrivel up If its alive that it. Sorry about wording this post really badly. The only way i could think of wording it really.