

Large Fish
Dec 25, 2007
Over the years i have heard about how useful and also how annoying snails can be. So here's a few questions i have about them before i buy them...

1. Is it hard to control snail populations?
2. Are snails even useful if regulating algae levels?
3. Are they more a menace then a help?
4. Could I just buy some plants with snails on them instead of the snails alone?


Aug 25, 2008
Central Florida
I had a beautiful apple snail, but he/she mowed down my plants, java moss included. I returned him/her with in days. I do have a hand full of small roundish snails that seem pretty useful. not sure what they are called. The cornicopia snail, though kind of pretty, can be invasive.

Feb 27, 2009
Some snails can live in fresh water but can't reproduce in it, so if you are concerned about being 'overrun' with snails, something like the nerites will work out great for you.

Snails can help keep algae in check, and often can get into areas that my otos can't fit. I have common pond snails and a few Malaysian Trumpet Snails. Both breed in freshwater but if you don't overfeed the fish (if any) in the tank, they won't go crazy breeding.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
I bought a sword plant with only 2 snails on it last week. Keep in mind there were only two. My friend told me about how she bought 2 snails and then shortly afterward had about 20. Yesterday, I noticed 8 snails in the tank. Today, there are 15 of them! I'm not sure what kind of snails I have. A couple have cornucopia shells and others have more circular swirl shells. Until my snails multiply to a freakish amount, I enjoy watching the snails. I think they're a nice addition to the tank. I'm just a little freaked out that they've been multiplying so quickly, and I hope I don't wake up tomorrow to 30 snails. 0_o

It's funny, because I was just about to ask the same question as you.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
im in the process of putting some HornWort in my 20gal to help eat up nitrate.
BUT the lfs didnt have the Jungle Clear Water /with potassium permanganate to soak over night and get rid of the snails that ARE THERE. Not to mention what kind of funk. I am very cautious about adding anything to my tanks.
and i cant believe the amount of product out there on the shelf that doesnt have ingredients ON THE BOTTLE ! What the Hell !
im not sure about snails being a help or more of a problem.
All i know is you want to research before you do anything.
and this site is GREAT !
lots of good knowledgeable people here.
good luck


Medium Fish
Aug 14, 2009
any great pet store will give you fw snails for free from petco to better local pet shops. but if you know anyone with oscars or pufferfish, if your snail population gets outta hand you can give your snails to those friends. oscars love to eat them and puffers need them.


Medium Fish
Jan 28, 2009
Auburn, AL
Most snails will each resort to eatting plants if theres nothing else to eat, but mine really don't touch my plants and I have tons of them. My Plecos are more of a treat than my snails. I started with two and I have about 50 in my ten gallon but thats all that I can see. I don't find them to be a pest at all they really help my tank.
Check out the snail info on this site-Aqualand Pets Plus
Once there in there in though..

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
The snails I mentioned before aren't eating up my plants, yet. I've only had my plant for 2 weeks. But then again, that's usually longer than any of my plants last. They'll nibble on the roots of my sword plant if any of the roots stick out of the gravel. But as long as they're under the gravel, it's not a problem. My snails have ram's horn shells and cornucopia shells if that helps at all.

Watch. I'll probably have jinxed myself and I'll walk downstairs to find a hoard of snails munching at my plants. XD

Aug 25, 2008
Central Florida
I havnt had any problems with my cornacoupia (sp?) or pond snails eating my plants, but then I tend to over feed a bit. (working on breaking myself of that) The snails do seem to help keep the tanks clean. Ive noticed they are better at algae control when there is less food anyway.

Snail eggs look like little balls of clear to slightly yellow jelly. They are slick as snot. You can usually find them under leaves & hard to reach back sides of rocks/decor.

Aug 25, 2008
Central Florida
Ohh most shrimp will munch on eggs too. I have pretty good luck with ghost shrimp. They're cheap & dont seem to breed out of control with the tetra & gourami eating the young. I think the frog might be picking off the smaller shrimp too.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I love all my snails! I keep Malaysian Trumpets and Ramshorns. Neither have eaten any plants. My bristlenose plecos eat ramshorn eggs, so no issues of overcrowding of a pleco is in the tank. Ramshorns lay their eggs usually on the tank walls so they are easily reachable for plecos. Trumpets lay theirs in the substrate, so they are harder to control if you overfeed your tank.