

Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I'm looking for a algae eating snail. I know nerite snails eat algae but are there any others? What about mystery snails? Mystery snails are the snails my LFS stocks.

Like I said before I have algae problems I have somewhat "cured" my tank but I think having algae eating snails would be good to have to maintain it. I don't really want to add another fish(s).


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I have had mystery snails in algae-infested tanks before and they didn't do a darned thing.

I believe apple snails will eat algae, but don't quote me on that.

Oh, just thought of one that does eat algae...ramshorn snails.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
invertfactory has nerites on ale usually, just give them an email if its not on their stocklist currently. good prices and shipping as well.
Nerites are exclusive algae eaters so yes they are the best. i think they would be the safest snail bet to make. Zebra, olive, ruby, and i think sun horned snails might be safe for FW.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
I put three mystery snails in my 10 gallon and they cleaned the bajesus out of the algae. I took them out last night to treat my danios for internal parasites (I hope that's the problem) and put them in the 29 gallon. I can't get them off the same log my pleco is on now.

So, mystery snails "should" eat some algae. Trumpeter snails (MTS), Nerites, Pond Snails and Ramshorns WILL eat algae. Some will also eat your plants. focuses mostly on the different apples, such as mystery snails, but also covers the other snails pretty well.

If you end up with an outbreak of snails that you absolutely have to get rid of (MTS and common pond snails will usually be the ones to overpopulate) you can get a few assassin snails to clean them up. Be warned though, assassin snails will eat ALL your snails. It's normally better to just reduce their food supply and stop overfeeding.

Edit: Bozo the Clown Pleco has not EVER eaten any algae off the glass. He's affixed to my log like a permanent attachment.

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Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I will do more research on fw nerites but they seem like the best snail to get plus they come in some cool colors. If I get more than one will they cause an outbreak?

Also I wouldn't be concerned about an outbreak of pond snails because they make good treats for my puffer.

I will do more research on fw nerites but they seem like the best snail to get plus they come in some cool colors. If I get more than one will they cause an outbreak?

Also I wouldn't be concerned about an outbreak of pond snails because they make good treats for my puffer.
An outbreak of nerite snails? They won't reproduce in freshwater, but will leave little eggs everywhere -- and I mean everywhere.

I say they are the best algae eating snail, I've had MTS, ramshorn and other pond snails, all of which did great but started eating live healthy plants, so I brought in assassin snails now I only have assassins and a nerite.

You do have to make sure that you have enough algae, if you buy a bunch of nerites and they consume all the algae you will need to feed them some algae wafers, and I also believe if you have soft water it will soften up/ruin their shell...

They're beautiful though and I'd suggest them for algae.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
yes some fish eat snails, Apple snails eat plants from what I know.

I am housing 3 apple snails on the recommendation of a friend my cichlids picked their poor little antennae off... The now only come out at night. I am re-homing this weekend to a less aggressive tank that has an algae issue.

puffer fish eat snails as well. (if you own the fish in your avatar it will eat your snails) so do loaches.