
Feb 27, 2012
I would like to get snails started in my aquarium but not sure what to get... something that breeds pretty quickly my two cat fish and goby think tiny snails are candy!


Large Fish
Oct 17, 2009
Frederick, MD
Not sure on the larger snails, Ive had apple snails breed pretty quickly (if water quality was at a good level)... however if you want super fast breeding... go to a fish store and ask them if they have any small hitchhiker snails on their live plants... if so get some.. you will start with 2 and in a matter of days you could have 30 lol


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; I generally keep red ramshorn and maylasian trumpet snails(mts). Both reproduce in the home aquarium. I have had fish shops give them free and have had them come on plants as eggs. While it does seem like they increase in numbers in a few days, it may take a while. I suspect the cases of sudden population increase could be when a plant with a lot of eggs on it is placed in a tank. The mts are livebearers and the ramshorn lay eggs.
These snails are small so may not fare well in your tank.
I seeded a new setup about ten days ago with both types of snails and have not had any new show up as yet.