

Large Fish
Dec 23, 2005
Well, I tried my best to save him but I failed. Dropsy had struck my Powder Blue Gourami(avatar) and now....he's gone:( I added salt to the water as soon as I noticed it and hooked up in air pump to add oxygen. He seemed to be doing better, he started swimming and getting air to breath. But then when he came down, he stayed down. He stopped breathing, and died. I'm so sad right now, he was my favorite fish with his stunning neon blue color that added so much color to my tank. I've lost all of my great centerpiece fish that I've purchased the past year I had my tank setup: P. Blue Gourami, 3 GBR's, and 3 red dwarf Gouramis. All different time periods of all those fish. I have well water. My tank parameters were these:
pH: 7.2(nuetral)
KH: 300(high)
GH: 75(soft)
Nitrite: 0ppm
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrate: 20ppm
Does high KH have anything to do with causing diseases?

Goodbye Gourami:( RIP