So do I have this right? Going over the basics


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Ok, so I figure to have a cash flow come the new year, and I'm almost ready to take the SW plunge. I'm a big plant guy, and like planted tanks, SW tanks must have LR (my "environmentalist" perspective). Simply put, I want a reef, a few fish & critters, and corals of whatever kind will work & I like. I'd like to confirm my understandings with reality & experience, so any advice would be great! I'll try to keep this post in a logical progression of how I'd like to do things. Do correct my thinking. :D

What I'll be working with:

75g Oceanic w/ overflow
SS 4x54w T5 fixture
Ebo-Jager Heaters

I'll get a sump for filtration and extra H2O capacity, and would eventually like a refuguim (I'll ask about this later). I want a DSB, say 3-4" deep. Recommendations on this and a good product to use would be great. Do I need a skimmer?

I'll need some LR. I was thinking of ordering some from My LFS has done a pretty good job (IMO) with their stuff, and I know the owner well, so maybe he could hook me up with a fresh shipment. What to do? What kind of rock to choose? Is base rock a good idea? I don't want a ton of rock, as I'd like to allow some swimming space. I like lots of pretty colors... :confused:

I'm in no hurry to add fish, and cycling is a concept I'm very familiar with. After the rock has acclimated, I'd probably add some critters like shrimp and maybe a few (4-5) small fish. Maybe get a soft coral or two going with the current lighting. Eventually, I'll upgrade to MH lighting. Other corals will be added gradually. Clams look cool. Could I add one?

I'm figuring all of this will get roughly 6 months or so down the line. Would this be a correct time line with adequate expectations? I'm also thinking that after a year or so I'll begin to have a tank bristling with life.

And one last thing: I'll be getting an RO unit very soon (100gpd). My tap water sucks, and I want one for drinking water. Would an additional unit be required for the tank? It's no big deal to have one specifically for the aquarium. I'm trying to think of how I would get enough water for a water change with the sink mounted faucet. Suggestions?

Many thanks to you all!


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
Visit site
a skimmer is always a winning option, it removes crap before it turns dangerous, it's mechanical and therefore safer.

Base rock is often weighting a lot, and it isn't porous as even some cheap live rock. Also there's nothing in it..but you can rely on base rock to use as support for live rock. It's common to put some big pieces of base rock under the live rock. It eventually become like the live rock, but it'll take time.
If you wanna save some trouble, don't just use base rock alone or with inadequate amounts of live rock. A 70% live rock + 30 % base rock is approx. what i see in some good tanks. for a 75g you could have like 100 pounds of rock to be seems a lot but unless it's super pricey and porous one, this amount still allows a lot of swimming place for the fishies. You like pretty colors ? Vivd purple live rock covered with coralline algae will add some pretty dramatic color and contrasts with your fishies.
Camaro got his LR from liveaquaria i think and i also think he was pleased.
Crocea clams are so beautiful and can live under strong MH lighting.
You could add one but be sure to have a good calcium level and plankton and that your other parameters are corrects. It isn't a super easy creature to add when you start your first tank can live under good conditions.
You can have a 5-6 stage ro/di units for like 150 $ 100 gpd that can handle your drinking needs and your tank.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
This all sounds reasonable - make the DSB 4 inches rather than 3. A decent skimmer is a good call.
If you think you'll be going to halides at some point, then why waste money on the T5\s now. Just get on with it. The MH will have more punch for a deepertank like a 75 - it will be tough to keep a clam under more than 18 inches water under T5's.
I reckon it took 2 years for my tank to really settle in. It wasnt bad before then, but now t's somewhat bombproof.
If your LFS can run in your liverock with their order at a discountdo that. Get big bits, not small, and get a bout 75 pounds of fiji/vanuatu decent quality stuff - no boulders of dense limestone


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I know our LFS has offered to get in live rock by the box for us at a discount. That way, they won't have to clean it themselves and house it, etc. You could look at some of the sites selling live rock to get an idea of what each kind looks like to see what you think would look best in your tank, and get an idea of which is more expensive than another.


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
Welcome aboard, Avalon!

Sounds like you have things well in order. Like it was said above, I'd definitely go with a skimmer on a tank that size. Also the fuge too, but that can wait as you plan to stock lightly.

Two books I've borrowed from my reef club I was very impressed with are "The Reef Aquarium," volumes 1 and 2. By Sprung and Delbeek. Give you all the basics and advanced info, as well as profiles on corals.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Thanks for the info guys!!! I'm feeling better about this already! Just a few more specific questions...

(The following requires specific model info. What would you use? I'm not on a budget per say, but don't break me!)

I'll need a sump. My LFS sells Oceanic sumps. Any particular model # for my tank? I'm not quite sure of how big of one I'll need. What about a water pump to run the thing? Any good brand/model #? It's got to be quiet, as it will be in my bedroom. Water trickling I can handle, machine hum I cannot.

A skimmer, eh? What brand, what model # would you use? I'm lost...

Lighting: Since I already have the T5 fixture, I'll need new bulbs. 2 10K's & 2 actinics good? Dr's Foster & Smith has a nice selection. Rec's?

I'll figure out something for the LR. I'll be getting the RO unit very soon, maybe next week. Any additional tips to get me started would be good (a la, newbie mistakes). Time is on my side...maybe I'll do a journal when I set this thing up!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
hey I'm still SW newbie mostly, but one thing I learned the hard way was to research your fish/critters big time for what foods they NEED (not just what they'll eat) oh and get a refractometer, not a swingarm hydrometer to test the sg...more expensive but definitely worth it.

what else...oh yes, very important to reiterate about the quality of the live rock...not all live rock is created equal and big pieces are so much easier to deal with. More porus cool looking pieces are way more expensive per lb, but worth it and that base rock or cheap/dense LR is you get what you pay for kinda stuff :) (I thought 3.99 a lb was too good to be true, and I was right!)

Plan on at least 10% a week for water changes from your RO unit...(sorry I suck at math) and it could be more depending on your stocking level etc Also a lot of people like to mix their water change water and age it 24 hours to give the salt time to really mix well.

thats what I can think of for now...sorry can't help on the skimmer or the lights, but if you read around in the SW forum there are definite favorites for both and can't think of them off the top of my head. Have fun, keep us posted :)


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
as far as your sump, there is no need to actually purchase can make your own out of an old tank and some glass cut by the hardware store. maybe go out and buy a 40breeder used or a 29 or whatever you can get ahold of and add some partitions. Easy peasy. As far as the skimmer you need to decide whether you want it to sit in the sump or be plumbed externally. Same with the return pump. I have a Mag Drive 9.5 and love it, very quiet, etc etc and I also have a submersible Pacifc Coast Imports Gen-X pump and i like it also though a bit more loud


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Agree - make your own sump. I like eheim return pumps.

AquaC skimmers always get great reviews and are reasonably priced