So Excited


Large Fish
Feb 15, 2007
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia , Canada
So I was looking on Kijiji as local selling forum, and found a 30g with all accessories for $120.00CAN. So I went to finally see it today, and I ended up going back 2 hours later and buying it. Finally after 3 years, of on/off fishkeeping, I have got a bigger aquarium. It took me a total of 4 hours to change everything over, cleaning, slowing switching all things over. It came with a Bio Wheel Penguin Filter 170. Which is working incredible. I have put everything from my 10 gallon into it which didnt fill much. 1/3 of its size. I will have pictures up later.
Nitrate Lvls - 5
pH- 6.6
Water temp - 70 (rising slowly)
I am soo excited, it looks soo nice compared to my 10 gallon!!!!
:) :)*thumbsups *thumbsups

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Congrats on the new acquisition!
My biggest 'leap' was just within the past few months from a 12 gal. tank (although I have had a 20 gal. in the past) to a 38 gal. tank, and that was a huge improvement. I can imagine that moving up from 10 gal. to 30 gal. must be a huge change for you too!

You'll have to let us know about stocking plans too.
Think you'll hang onto your community fish and keep that type of a setup, or maybe go for something different?



Large Fish
Feb 15, 2007
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia , Canada
Thanks Big Vine...
I was just about to post that question. I will never get rid of my Platys, I love them they are so active,playful, and always are easy to take care of. My oto is the best for cleaning. My snail is getting big, and takes out of the plants.(Thank God). And my shrimp will have a couple buddies very soon. You are right. I do not know where to start, I was wondering what are so active fish that I could put in my tank that will not harm the platys, oto, or shrimp. I would love to get Angel Fish. But they get big and take up a lot of room. I would also like to get a school of Neon Tetras, my favorite. What about Cichlids? I love there colors, but are they suitable for my tank?
Any help would be great. I am overwhelmed with how much space, I have to fill.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
One angelfish would probably work okay.
Rainbow cichlids (Herotilapia multispinosa) are relatively peaceful, so you could probably get away with keeping a pair in there if you wanted to. Like many CA/SA cichlids, their colors become stunning during breeding time!

Rainbowfish would add a lot of action to the tank, so you might wanna check into those too. I've never kept em', but Bosemani are one of my favorites.

There's lots more choices too, so I'm sure others will add to this list. Countless different types of tetras that you could add as well.

I know there's a lot of options, but it's best if you throw a few out there for us so you can get some more specific feedback. Otherwise I'm afraid I just might end up rambling on and on and know, in my typical long-winded fashion...:rolleyes:

BV ;)


Large Fish
Feb 15, 2007
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia , Canada
Ok, To narrow it down, I would like to put fish in my aquarium that are active, always moving about. I would like to have an array of fish therefore many small ones. I read the Profiles( Very Helpful ) on a few fish. Such as the Angel Fish they seem to not like Neon, or Cardinal Tetras inlease brought up with them. I would rather go with Tetras. Also I would like to make sure the tank looks full such as.... Fish that are on all levels, Top...Middle...Bottom. My oto of course is always near the bottom. My Platys are everywhere. lol. My Shrimp is normally on the bottom inlease the platys are playfully chasing him. The Snail goes everywhere. Neons or Cardinals seem to stay near the middle of the tank like most Tetras. The Angel Fish are a top fish. Hopefully that clarifies things*thumbsups *thumbsup2

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Bloodfin tetras are quite hardy, and I think they're very nice-looking fish too!
They tend to move around quite a bit and school fairly well, from what I recall (having kept them years ago). I would recommend maybe getting a large school of those if you like them.

An angelfish would be good...even with neons and/or cardinals. Sure, some might get picked-off once the angel gets big, but that will take a while, so don't let it discourage you from keeping smaller tetras. In the end it just depends on your personal preference. Some folks don't like the idea of their fish being eaten.

I couldn't quite tell from what you wrote as to whether or not you are leaning toward putting an angelfish in this setup, but if you are, tetras will fit in really well.

I've kept neons, black-widows/skirts, silver-tip, bleeding-heart, and head & tail-light tetras---(Buenos Aires tetras too, but they get too big for a 3 ft. tank, IMO)---so feel free to ask me about any of those that might interest you and I can provide feedback based on personal experience with them.

Don't forget to factor in how the fish will look with your tank setup/decor. Some go better with darker decor, while others look their best with more natural colors accompanied by a blue or lighter background. Of course many look good in both too! Just something to keep in mind.