So long SW world... :( The last picture!

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Hi Everyone,

I have Sad, but exciting news. I have had to make the very difficult desicion to sell my Nano Reef and temporarily put my love for SW reef keeing on hold.

For those of you who do not know me, I have been in the hobby for approximatly 5yrs now. My most recent system was a 20g w/15g sump/fug which housed 1 Scooter Blenny (Male) named Scooter, and 1 Ocellaris ClownFish named Maja. Other tank inhabitants included 2 cleaner shrimp, Brittle Seastar, 2 Porcalin crabs, hermits, snails and a vast variety of corals, as well many other life forms. There was approximatly 45lbs of LR and 30lbs LS between the display and sump. Much of this tank came from my original tank so everything was well established and the life thrived.

I only used RO water and Kent Marine Salt and performed weekly 5g (20%) water changes premixing the water over night. I had approximatly 870gph waterflow in the tank (43.5x turnover). I ran a skimmer and grew Chaeto, Mangroves and Xenia in my sump to use up excess nutrients and keep unwanted algea under controle.

My basic tank specs were as follows:
Temp: 80
Salinity: 1.026
pH: 8.2
Calcium 450ppm

I can not stress enough how important "Patience" and "Reaserch" are in this hobby... as my sig says "Only bad things happen fast in a reef tank, good things happen slowly". That statement is so true and should be imbeded into your minds.

I would like to take this time to say a big "THANK YOU" to everyone on MFT for all the help and support you all have given while I have been a part of this great community. My only regrets are that I did not find MFT sooner ;).

As of last week my system is no more and all live stock has been sold to a new good home. Now the exciting part, the reason I had to do this... I will be leaving in the summer on extended travels through europe with my girlfriend for a period of apporox 6 months (More on that in the future). I will still be active on MFT for the next few months until I leave on my trip at which point I will only periodically be able to visit.

Below is the last most recent photo of my baby :( (looking as tears role down my face).


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Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
:( Sorry to hear you are getting rid of your tank, but touring europe sounds fun and exciting!
Good luck in your travels. I have that same leather....I hope mine gets as big as yours. You tank is gorgeous (I won't say was, so you don't cry ;) )


Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
your tank has always been gorgeous. it's a shame you had to break it down. I'm sure you made a LOT of people happy by selling off your great looking stock. I can't blame you for taking a hiatus from fish keeping. I'm also sure that when you come back to Europe (you can't even IMAGINE how green i am with envy right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) you'll be itchin' to start up again!

where in europe are you going!?

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
That is a tough decision, one that we all will probably have to make at some point.

Good luck in your travels (wish i could go!!) hope to see a new tank in the future! If what they say is true about history repeating'll have one heck of a new tank if you decide to start another up! ;)


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Wow, I am sorry to see you leave, though I don't doubt for a second you will be back in the thick of things on your return. You have a gorgeous tank and one that is the envy of many. Hopefully you sold it as a whole to a person who is as dedicated and thorough as you are.....hopefully they will come on here and we can keep up with Scooter, Maja and the gang.......we will look for you soon and have a blast in Europe!


Large Fish
Oct 18, 2006
burnaby, bc
I agree with the above posters...your tank is one of the most beautiful I've seen yet! Good luck with your travels and come back to show us your next tank when you are done!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Hey at least ya won the contest ;) Your nano is (was) the envy of most (all) of us here!! Can't say I blame you though, 6 months is too long to trust your tank to someone else...and think about how fun it'll be putting a new tank back together at some point??! :) Have a blast in Europe, it sounds like a great opportunity!

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
Sorry you had to tear it down but look at the cool trip you get to take as well. But i didn't see the last pic it isn't on post, but i know your tank was nice looking. Have fun and take pictures show us unfortunate ones what it is like in europe if you get a chance.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Saltly your marine knowledge and dedication is examplary and Im sure that when the day comes (wont be long) that you will put together a tank that will rival even your last.

Europe will be ten fold better without the thought of the reef tank in the back of your head (and can I venture to guess your girl friend will be les son edge if she doesnt think your woryring about it :D)

Best of luck and have a blast in Europe.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Thanks everyone for your kind words. It was a tough desicion but for the best, as stated above by a few it would be a worry in my head wondering if everything was going okay with the tank... at least this way I know that the two guys that purchased will give a good home and I was glad that Scooter and Maja got to stay together. Another good thing about it was that I now have more $$$ for the trip.

I will be leaving end of June/ begining of July and hope to not return till Christmas. Niki (my girlfriend) and I will be starting off in her home country of Poland and using that as home base as we branch out on trips all over europe. Mostly we will be just winging it and going with the flow...I'm not the type that likes to have a schedule. We definitly will be going to Germany, Czech Rebuplic,switzerland, Italy, France, England, Greece and hopefully many other countries.

I will definitly will one day get back into the SW world, but I not sure how long until then... but you can bet when I do it will be with a BIG splash! LOL ;)

I will definitly post about my trip as the time comes closer.