So many choices...which fish to choose?

Oct 22, 2002
Irvine, CA

Howdy ya'll!

I got a question that's open to everyone, that is my situation that i'm in.  Say you've got a tank with

1 betta, 1 pleco, 4 zebra danios, 2 neon tetras, 2 glass fish...and you want to add 2 more fish...which ones would you choose, or recommend?

2 Mollies
2 Gouramis
2 Bala Sharks

I like all of these varieties of fish and was wondering what everyone thought and would choose for themselves...Thanks for the help!

-Ryan  ;D


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
i would say 2 dwarf gouramis, one male and one female.  i have 2 males in a 29 gal tank, i wouldnt have put two males together except that they were buy one get one free (well actually the person at the register made a mistake so i got both free!) but they usually stay on opposite sides of the tank so there is not a lot of fighting, just some fin-flaring when they get too close to each other.  but a lot of times putting 2 males together doesnt work, or so i've been told, so thats why i said one male one female.  the bigger gouramis are nice but i think that they would become too big for a 15 gal. and bala sharks can grow well over 10"! but i would get someone else's advice too, as i am more or less a beginner to the hobby and you might want to get advice from someone more experienced!  ;D anyways, that is just my opinion.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
My suggestion is to get two bronze cories.  I love these little guys.  They are just so darn fun to watch.  In addition to being fun to watch they keep your tank really clean by eating any excess food that may fall to the bottom.  Go with cories, you can't go wrong.  Bala sharks are going to outgrow your tank eventually.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Two cories are your safest bet

Bala sharks are not appropriate for such a small tank. They can grow to be a good 14" and because they are such a nervous, skiddish fish, they'll constantly be bashing their faces in as they dart around your tank. Not a happy thing to do to fishies.

Mollies are brackish water fish and will also not be happy in your tank without a heeping amount of salt, which would kill off your neons for sure, and probably irritate your other fish.

One dwarf gourami might do well in your tank. Two males will constantly fight, and even a male/female pair (provided you can find a female, they're not common in the market because they aren't as pretty as the males) may also chase each other around quite a bit. A single male, if you find one small enough, might not have the dominace developed yet to become an aggressive bully and could possibly be raised with your fish.

But cories would be the most peaceful and best additions to your tank.

Oct 22, 2002
An excellent choice.  Corys are always a safe bet and, surprisingly to us, some of the most entertaining fish on the market.  In the words of Christopher Lowell, "Who knew?!?"

Not to mention, you have scads of different varieties of corys to choose from.  It shouldn't take a lot of effort to find the kind that's right for you.