so many questions!


New Fish
Jul 8, 2008
I am setting up a 10 gallon tank for my bedroom with very little space. I am hoping to make it a natural, balanced little aquarium without filter and heater. But just in case I have to use a filter, would 4.5'' between the side of the tank and the wall be enough for one? Here are some pictures.

I am still at the planning stage. There is nothing in the tank yet. I have so much to learn here. Hopefully, someone can answer a few questions for me.

1. The tank is against the wall. Should I add a background anyway?

2. If I have to use a filter, it can be installed on the side of tank, right?

I will ask more questions as I begin this fishkeeping adventure. Thanks.


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
1. Back ground is up to you.

2. Without a filter you will have to do daily water changes and stress the fish.... yes you need one. And yeah you should be able to run it on the side just fine.


Large Fish
Dec 25, 2007
Alright, I know what you mean with limited space.... Heres what you want to do to have a succesful tank. First plan everything out which it looks like your doing, get the needed filter and heater, cycle your tank, and slowly add fish.

Here's some questions you got to answer, is there an outlet by the tank and do you have a powerstrip for multiple inputs for electrical use? Are you able to wait about one month to finally get fish? And, are you wanting live plants, some live plants, or plastic plants? And ovecoarse what kind of fish?



Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Again background is up to you.

As far as a filter, you would be extremely limited and have more maintenance on the tank if you didnt have one to keep the water clean and circulated. Also a heater will help the tank keep a steady temp.

What direction are you wanting to go with the tank??


New Fish
Jul 8, 2008
Along time ago I bought one of those tiny fish eco system at Target. You know, the cube with a few tiny fish that you feed once in a while and very little and you have change to water every six months or something like that. It worked for me. Recently, I read in fish magazines that people successfully keep similar but larger tanks. I am inspired and hope to do the same.

For my small tank I plan on having just a betta and three other fish. Live plants will give the fish oxygen and help with the filtering process. Good bacteria will help breakdown the ammonia. So I figure I don't need a filter with just a few fish.

There is an electrical outlet nearby. Yes, I can wait until everything is right before adding fish. Thank you and I hope to hear more suggestions. Here is another picture


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Large Fish
Dec 25, 2007
Although i get what ur saying, you and your fish would benefit from a filter. I just today bought one the hangs inside the tank. All you need is a powerstrip and 15 bucks....ohhhh yah, and water. About the plants, the live plants might cost a bit more and might possibly die without propper lighting, but yes, it will give the fish oxygen, so you could excuse an air pump. But, seeing that its summer, your fish might need that extra o2 so.......yah.

Also, how to plan on changing the water with that killer stereo system nearby? If water gets on that.......i'll leave it at that.

Background. you can go to your LFS(Local fish store) and get a special background cut out for you to tape to the back of your tank.

Heater. You will want a heater! if there were 3 things you would need to plug in, it would be a heater, filter, and light. Once again, a cheap one will cost you about 10 bucks. One you can rely on, as well as your FISH, might cost $30......

Lighting. If you want to skip the aeraitor for the time being thats alright. and since you plan on getting the live plants, you may want to consider better lighting for plant growth.

Gravel. I would recommend getting black gravel. I have brown/tan gravel and i regret it. Black (in my opinion) is the coolest color of all. it doesent just make your fish more stunning, but it also can correspond to the interior colors of your home...haha...big words.... it just looks good.

hope this helps...


Small Fish
Jun 21, 2008

I just keep an intank filter in my ten qt tank . I usually keep my dwarf gourami male in it and they dont like bad water at all. He's happy with it . Also it stays clean . I havent had to clean the filter itself in the 6 months i've had it , just the cartridge. I agree with all the above replys .


Small Fish
May 11, 2008
filter is a must and depending where you live you wont really need a heater since i live in california iont really need a heater and during summer i have a hang on filter so i dont fill the tank all the way up so i just have a waterfall that creates lots of oxygen and i also have lots of hornwot

Jul 8, 2008
My LFS, all about fish in SE Houston, has 15 gallon tanks. I think I might get that and return the 10 gallon, if it doesn't cost a lot more. They have the most beautiful salt water tanks I have ever seen. I have seen pretty pictures in the magazine and online, but those don't compare to the real thing. I felt in love this fish called blue powder or is it powder blue? It's so pretty I thought it wasn't real. It makes a betta look ugly.

I notice that some complete tank kits come with the filter built inside the hood. Are these tanks good? All of a sudden I feel really lazy and I think it might be best if I bought one of those tank kits. Also, it need a super quiet filter, pump, etc., as this tank is in my bedroom. Are some brands more quiet than the others? Also, I am thinking of putting a fake seabed in the tank instead of gravel. You know those fake putting greens sold at sporting stores. I think something like that but with fake plants and made for aquariums would be nice. Just picture it in your mind: a beautiful, lush and green bottom without any of the work required for real plants. What are your thoughts on this? Thanks.

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Large Fish
Dec 25, 2007
About the 15 gallon, you might want to see if it'll fit first. about the filter equiped tank, i havent heard anything bad on them. but they cost a lot more, pretty sure on that. I dont think they make aquatic golf coarses, so i dont think the putting green in your tank will work either. on the salt water fish, salt tanks are VERY expensive and VERY difficult to maintain if your just starting, atleast thats what im told. but im for sure on the expensive part.... fake plants will definatley work though. and once again, consider the inside filter setup.