So much for my first attempt


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
I recently (couple weeks ago) bought a gorgeous blue betta female, who is so pretty I decided I might give a shot to breeding her. I have two male CTs, so I picked my favorite as the one to try to breed her two. I have him in a 10gal tank, so I bought a clear plastic divider and portioned off part of the tank for Isis (the female), and put part of a styrafoam cup on his side for him to build his nest in. I added her a day and a half ago, and all seemed okay except that they didn't seem to pay much attention to each other. Then this morning, I woke up and went to check on them, to see that Isis had managed to get over the divider onto the male's side, and after searching for him, I found him cowering, the absolute SNOT beaten out of him. He looks absolutely horrid! His fins are shredded and barely there, and I honestly didn't think he would survive. I immediately pulled Isis out and put her back into her tank, and added melafix to his tank, expecting to come back after work and have to flush him. The good news is, I think he's going to survive. I checked on him just now, and he's cruising around his tank again, begging for food, and eating eagerly when I gave him some. So I think he'll make it. But, I'm wondering how well I can expect his fins to heal? They weren't damaged into the flesh, just shredded very short. His pectoral fins (ventrails?) seem to have taken the worst beating - I can't see anything left of them. What do you think? Is he going to be ugly for life? And why on earth would she have beaten him so badly? I would have expected her to be the one in jeopardy.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
C'mon, admit put Brutus in there with them, didn't you---no room with Draco and Phoenix, so you had to unload him on the bettas' tank? I see how it is now. :p

But seriously, I'm glad the betta seems to be on the mend.
I'm also curious to know other people's thoughts on how well you should expect the fins to heal based on the damage that they took. I've heard that damage to the actual 'rays' will lead to permanent damage...but I'm assuming that these same folks were referring specifically to dorsal rays (i.e. those spines that are found in the dorsal fins of larger fish). Bettas don't really have dorsal rays in their fins though, do they?


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Superstar Fish
Oct 7, 2005
Essex, England
Sorry to hear he took such a beating!
My betta, flame was once in a tank with a pleco (temp) and every night the pleco would scare the crap out of the betta, and i woke up one morning to find Flame's fins horribly shredded.
I put him in a tank on his own, added some melafix and his fins grew back in about 2 - 4 weeks (i cant really remember because it was quite a long time ago)

So yeah, melafix will help him a great deal, and his fins should re-grow in a few weeks.
You probably already know but, when using melafix on bettas only use half the recommended dose, as apparently melafix in strong doses can damage their labyrinth organ :)