So that's it then?

Jan 10, 2007
After a small discussion with a fellow friend, we couldn't really think of any other fish that could swim with cichlids. it was as if tropical fish were voted out completely in any habitat with cichlids. My tank, being a Tang habitat, I did notice they were all pretty good at establishing boundaries with nips and charges. However they do like to hug close to shaded areas. I wouldn't mind some middle or top swimmers to help the cichlids swim comfortably around, seeing that other fish are out in the open. (And not get beat up) It's not that my Tang's aren't awesome =).
So basically can any other fish besides cichlids dwell WITH cichlids? (And besides the bottom feeders)

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Jan 10, 2007
True, I don't plan to crowd too much. luckily the cichlids are still on the small side; and being slow growers I think i'll be able to safely move them to a bigger tank when the time comes. i had no idea danios were a good mini-mix. Thanks!


I am curious, can a Golden gourami go-exist? I have seen an adult blue gourami hold its own with two full grown pacus.

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Plenty of non-cichlid fish coexist with cichlids. Tetras, swords, platies, mollies and killifish for example.
In a 20gl however I don't have much to recommend.
If you upgraded to at least a 55 gallon you could try some Cyprichromis leptosoma, yet another cichlid but they behave more like barbs IMO. Very active, males are very showy and they stay in the middle-top of the water column.
If you didn't like them maybe some praecox rainbows. They're pretty fish and easy to keep.