So this is my first 'big' tank and I have a few questions.

Jun 3, 2005
I just bought a 48 gallon bowfront tank a couple weeks ago, set it up, added some fish, and most of them are fine. The inhabitants are currently :

- 2 Lyretail Mollies
- 2 Black Mollies
- 3 Black Skirt Tetras
- 2 Diamond Tetras
- 2 Dalmation Mollies
- 2 Red Swordtails
- 6 Neon Tetras
- 2 Lemon Tetras
- 1 'suckerfish/bottomfeeder' fish that's about 9"

I did the math on it a few days ago, and I was overstocked according to the 1"/gallon rule, but I've been reading fish forums for a while and people have been saying that neons don't produce much waste, so I was wondering if I could add any more neons to my tank. The ones I have now just lurk in the more densely planted area of my tank and don't come out much. I figured if I added more neons they wouldn't be so timid, but I'm not sure if I should, or how many I can add.

My other question is about the 10 gallon tank that I got a few days ago from a friend. I only have a betta in a 2.5 gallon tank right now, so I was thinking once I got that tank up and running, I would put him in the 10 gallon and use the 2.5 gallon for a quarantine tank that everyone is always talking about. But what other kinds of (colorful) fish could go with the betta in the 10 gallon? He's not that aggressive, he's about 3 years old now and he's had several differently shaped fish statues in his tank without a problem, and for a time, he lived with the two lemon tetras. The only thing that upsets him is when I look into his tank, apparently.

Heh, sorry for the big post. I have a tendency to babble.


Superstar Fish
May 24, 2005
Chesapeake, Va
I pray to God for your sake that your "big" tank is cycled because you have an awful lot of fish in that bad boy if it didn't. You better take Kuroshio's advice and keep the ten for a quarentine tank, etc cause if your big tank isn't cycled and I'd be surprised if it had in only 2 weeks - your gonna need it cause those tetra's will be the first things to go. -


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Apparantly its also the name of a band...and I think we'd better take that link down Kuroshio.

As for the tank...48 bowfront? Interesting size...isn't 46 the "standard" size? Just curious.

Jun 3, 2005
Yes, the tank is cycled. I got it around 3 - 4 weeks ago, and I made sure the cycle finished before adding any fish.

The pH is 7.6, the ammonia is 0, nitrites is 0. Water temperature is 74.

I don't know the standard size of bowfronts, I bought the tank at Petsmart and I believe that's what they had it labeled as, 48 gallon bowfront tank.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
How long have you had it fully stocked like that? If its freshly stocked after your cycle...then I think I'd give it awhile before you start adding anymore fish. Reason I say that is because by now your fish are getting used to their new tank, you're getting used to regular maintenance etc...and if you added any new fish to the tank right now straight from the lfs you could be asking for trouble (ich outbreak or worse) I think I'd probably wait it out a few months and then take a look at what you have and maybe what areas are lacking etc. You're pretty well stocked right now...but I dont see many bottom feeders or "cleanup crew" and with a tank that big I dont think you're going to want to spend every waking moment cleaning you might think about getting some cories or a couple of ottos or an apple snail, maybe some ghost shrimp. Diversify the tank a little?

As for the 2.5 and the 10, I dont know that I'd move your betta to the 10 if you're planning on getting more fish for the big tank. If you are, I think as the others suggested I'd use the 10 for a quarentine tank and keep the betta in the 2.5. You could move him to the 10 after that...and as for other fish that would be OK with him...lets see. NOT guppies. How about some harlequin rasboras?? Or even some more lemon tetras, since you know he didn't bother them before. It would also be nice to know that if you get a fish that he doesnt like, you can just move him back to the 2.5 without any troubles. Dont forget you'll still have to spend a few weeks cycling the 10, so you should have awhile to debate it...