soft coral problem


Medium Fish
Feb 6, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Hey everyone! For some strange reason, both of my leather corals have shrunken and have not expanded in several days. I have had the one coral for about 2 years and the other for about a month with no problems. At first I thought that something was wrong with my water quality, but all of my other corals were doing great.
Just recently, I have noticed small creatures crawling on the leathers. There aren't many crawling around but I am wondering if this is the source of the problem. Could they be a parasite of some sort? Any help would be great!
Sorry for no pictures either. I can't get a clear enough picture of the creatures because they are so small.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
are the creatures copepods? ... leathers do tend to shrink up and periodically shed the outer skin to remove dirt/algae from its skin. This is normal and can last from several days to a couple weeks. check all your water parameters to be sure all is good since bad conditions can also cause them to close up. Most likely it will shed soon and extend its polyps like before.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
yes i also agree that its likely shedding. I always get nervous when my green finger leather closes for more than a week, but its always because its shedding, not because of anything in the water, which i make sure is as clean as can be.

just relax, give it time, and it will open soon. Also i hope you're running some sort of chemical media. i have read that leathers can be toxic and chemical media is one of the ways you can make sure your water isn't fouled by its toxic slime or w/e it releases into the water.

unwritten law you can disagree with me if you know better, I would rather that you did if what i am saying isn't true or too necessary .


Medium Fish
Feb 6, 2008
Lawrence, KS
thanks for the reply. that was my guess when this first happend and it turned out to be true! my leather started shedding today and is beginning to open up. It was just weird because after two years of having it in my tank, it had rarely shed.


Medium Fish
Feb 6, 2008
Lawrence, KS
well the leathers have been shedding, but for several weeks now, they have stayed closed for a few days, shed, then open for a day or two, then close up again.
parameters check out fine. i understand that leathers shed but is it this often?


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
sounds like they are shedding too often. try to do what Lotus suggested. Finger leathers will close sometimes during the day or different parts of the day. this is not the same as shedding. when they close and open again some slime may be seen trailing off the coral.

closing may have some instinctual value to help avoid day predators, but I do usually see my leather coral opened at night time even if I have not seen it extend its polyps during the day. Usually I see it open during both night and day though.