soft water fish

Jan 6, 2009
Western Australia
hi everyone! i would realy like a soft water fish for my sons 54litre fishtank ill be receiving soon. Something that will realy grab his attention hes only 18months old. It will have 5 peppered corys in it so soft water fish only. I have also ordered all of the spongebob aquarium ornaments for him including spongebobs pineapple house and squidwards house.It will be planted with a white sand substrate and driftwood. Any suggestions on the perfect fish to add to my sons tank would be great! ( and suitable for a 54litre)


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
There's some really colorful dwarf cichlids you could put in there, but I'm not sure how they'd all do with cories. My German Blue Ram does fine, but I've heard that others might be too aggressive.
Guppies are always a colorful choice as well if you get males.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
If you aren't doing anything to alter your tap water's natural pH and hardness, then you might not need to get really specific about 'soft water fish' only. Most community fish will adapt to a reasonable range of pH and hardness.
Having said that, a small school of neons would add a great splash of primary colours to your setup!

Jan 6, 2009
Western Australia
Im going to add some wood to release tannins and help soften the water naturally and lots of plants. The only thing i might add is some kent marine black water expert when if the waters not soft enough. I do love german blue rams but my sons tanks not big enough for a pair i dont think anyway. How would they go if i just got one? with the 5 corys would it be haappy on its own or do they prefer company from there own species? i do like the look of a school of tetras to but ive never had any luck with them i dont know why, im too scared to try again ill feel horrible if they all die on me again. culd i have a school of 10 tetras one ram and the 5 corys in the 54litre?


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
I don't know much about gourami, but if you're still going with "soft water fish" I know that rams would do well.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
The dwarf gourami would do fine. So would the german blue ram or bolivian ram. Alternatively, instead of the rams, you could do an apistogramma, since they're all soft water. Apistos have the body shape of a kribensis, but tend to have more color than a krib in the pet store. A krib would be fine too.

NOTE: All of these fish are somewhat territorial towards each-other. They won't mess with small fish unless they're small enough to eat.

Jan 6, 2009
Western Australia
Thanks for all your help, Yes I do love the look of the cockatoo dwarf cichlid, but i wouldnt find one here so ill most probably have to order any of the fish i want online, ahh thats the trouble of living in small towns 3 days drive away from a city with an aquarium shop or decent pet store! ill have a look and see what they do have and if i cant get any of the fish mentioned above ill try online but i am more drawn to the dwarf cichlids. :)

Jan 6, 2009
Western Australia
haha yeah i didnt understand why you thought i lived in washington untill my friends like wa stands for washington too, so i changed my location silly me! I Actually got a male betta yesterday totally unplanned it just happened so he will go in my sons tank, not what i had planned but things happen like that sometimes