Soft Water


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
I continue to cycle a 110 gallon tank and the process seems to be going OK except that the water is really soft. According to my last test it is 0ppm. My hardenss is my 55 is about 120ppm. I am assuming that this is due to a large piece of driftwood that has been in the tank for about 2 weeks. The tap water here has a GH of about 50.

What can I do to bring up the the GH of the new tank?


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
Yes, it is a fishless cycle. Would it be less stressfull on the fish if I put about 50 gallons from the old tank into the new tank before (or as) I transfer them?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Well...the idea is to change nearly 100% of the water when the tank is cycled (replacing it with conditioned water so all of the bacteria in the tank stays intact) and then add all of your fish. Moving water from the old tank to the new tank really wont do anything as long as the water conditions aren't drastically different. They're going to have to adjust to the differences no matter what...and I doubt that the driftwood would change your water's chemistry instantly.

It might be a good idea to experiment a little with the tank and the gh/ph etc before your cycle is over, just to see how much or how little it takes to adjust it a little when there aren't fish in there. Usually the driftwood will change chemistry a lot in the beginning and then slow down I think (someone correct me if I'm wrong)...but I suppose it always depends on the type of wood too. I am mostly basing that thought on the fact that a lot of driftwood releases coloring into the water for awhile, then with each water change it gets less and less.