Some betta questions

My sister has a betta, and my mom is planning on getting one too, these questions are for them.

1. Do bettas need a certain temp?

2. What fish go good with bettas?

3. My sister has a lot of decorations in her tank, not much room for the betta, should she take some out?



Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
I say to lean towards the 5 gallon so you can put a heater and filter on the tank. It really does make the Betta happier. Mine is proof of it! Also, you could put a snail or an Otocinclus or an ADF in with your Betta if he is in a larger tank like the 5 gallon. They are beautiful and they really don't get as beautiful as they can be when kept at room temp without proper filtration.

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Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
Yes that is my Betta. Thank you very much!! I "rescued" him from Walmart and he is so much happier and healthier looking now then when I got him. I have him in a 5 1/2 gallon tank with a heater and a filter. I am in the planning process for my 29 gallon tank. I will be planting it so all of my fake plants from it will be going to the Betta tank. I want to put a couple of African Dwarf Frogs in there with him. (Maybe just one, haven't got stuff planned out for him yet). Anyway, the point of all this rambling is to tell you to get a heter and a filter because they definitely make the difference! Good Luck!!!!!

Thanks for the help! All this talk makes me want to get a betta for my 10g once I've gotten my 20 (on Feb 10th) and move my fish into it. I might steal my sisters.... *evil grin*

Nah, I don't really like hers, I'll just do what you did and "rescue" one from WalMart.

Thank you for all the help!

But... Would 10g be too big? 'Cause I wouldn't want to make him unhappy...


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
I know some people keep them in large tanks but I had mine in a 10 gallon for a while (that is where he was in the picture) but he didn't seem all that happy. IT was really hard for him to eat also because of the water movement from the larger filter. the filter in the 5 hardly makes any water movement at all and he seems much much happier. I guess it all depends though. I don't think Bettas liket o have to do a whole lot of "work". I think they prefer to just kinda hang out and not have to swim a whole lot or work for their food! Whatever you decide make sure to throw a plant live or fake in there for him to rest upon! Mine is a lazy little thing that loves his plant!! :p


Large Fish
Sep 25, 2005
New York, US
^^He may not have been happy because bettas come from a perfectly still environment. Or it may have been the size of the tank, but I know they like perfect to really closely still water. Floating plants usually help slow down the current.