Some Cherry Shrimp Macro Photos

I took some Cherry Shrimp photos on Saturday and thought I'd post them here for anyone who wants to see the little beasties close-up. This is my first post in these forums. I was inspired by Big Vine's Blue Crayfish romance novel thread, there are some really nice photos in there. Now let's see if I can figure out how to use links correctly for my own photos... here goes:

Here's one photo:

Here's my favorite of the seven in the gallery you can see the individual eggs forming inside her:

You can see all seven photos here at an even larger size in my gallery by selecting L for large from the S M L O size option beneath each photo following this link:

SmugMug - jerremie : Aquaria

Let me know if the links worked!



Sep 2, 2006
Links worked fine, I've been wanting cherry shrimp, and have been keeping an eye out for them around here - not a lot of luck.

Anyways, yours look great. Thanks for sharing pictures. How many do you have?

Hi Spitfire,

I've only got about 20 right now and I recently added some Cambarellus Shufeldtii Dwarf Crayfish to their tank. The crayfish have actually run away from the cherry shrimp... even though they're significantly larger. None of the cherries is more than about an inch long. Several of the shrimp are in the early stages of pregnancy, so I hope to see some babies in there again soon. Hope you find some for yourself, i got mine through the mail, but I've seen them at 2 local pet stores just recently!
