Some help needed

Jun 8, 2008
Tank I have is a 20 gal long 30x12x12 with a 10 gal wet/dry diy refugium.

The tank is going to be fowlr and some inverts for now, but I want to get the equipment now so I can later have corals.

Im just wondering if anyone has a lighting setup that i could use that is relitively cheap like 150-200 dollors?
what kind of light for fefugium?

is the nano fission a good protein skimmer?

Water circulation is going to be a 500gph return from refuge running to scwd and splitting to 4 returns in tank, 2 on each rear corner and a maxijet 1200. Is this enough circulation?

Is it neccessary to have all the reactors I have been reading about?

Sorry for all the questions your help is greatly apreciated!

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