Some inspiration


Medium Fish
May 4, 2010
at the bottom it says it took him a year + of planning, plus the build it must've been two years at least before it was finished :eek: lol could you imagine?
awesome aquarium of course (major understatement), definitely inspirational


Large Fish
Aug 13, 2010
That is pretty impressive. However, his idea of DIY and "affordable" is obviously coming from a rich man's perspective. "Oh yeah, I just added on to the house so I could have a fish-tank."

LOL true, very expensive. Seems to be where I've seen the most fancy tanks, very very rich individuals. Like that NY Times article about 6-7 figure aquariums, oh my goodness.

I also couldn't imagine planning something out for a year, I'm so impatient and impulsive haha. He did excellent work though. I'd love to just look at it all day, looks so peaceful.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
2year build and expensive are not that unusual in this hobby. Most set ups are in comparison to a small 3rd world country national debt. Remember this hobby is expensive, takes a lot of time and a lot of planning if you aren't committed to any one of these then you are destined to have issues. I am not saying you can't do it without spending the farm because you can, you just have to have the other two down pat and vice versa. The really lucky ones have all three and end up with the tank of the month.

There are some equally impressive tanks amongst the members here.......they just haven't posted pics for a while.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Very nice tank. We have a tank like that being build in my area right now. If I read it right, the tank by itself is 2,600g. Their new house is being build at the same time around the tank so the tank build has been slow, but picking up pace at this time.