Some more new corals!


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Here are some new corals I got at MAX (Marine Aquarium Expo). They've only been in the tank an hour or so, please excuse the coraline spots, poor photos, etc.:

Some Ricordea floridas. They're mostly blue-purple, but it looks like they have some orange and green on them.

Some zoanthids with yellow skirts, purple centers and orange mouths.

Some Australian acans. They're purple and green. Not showing good colors under the lights, though.

We also picked up a bunch of free stuff: A bag of Red Sea salt, two T-shirts, two packs of three-part additives (calcium, alk. and mag) from DT Phyto, and a plastic fish. :)

Bad FTS:


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
nice grabs! havnt seen a FTS from u in a while, the tank is looking real mature... all i see are cardinals! got any other fish in ther lol


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Wow nice star polyp colony.

New corals look great! The zoas look awesome and Acans are probably my favorite LPS.
Thanks! The GSPs need trimming tomorrow, as they're encroaching on the brain's space. Luckily they're the gorgonian type and you can just snip off fingers.

I love acans. I have some Indonesian ones that have been in the tank a while, and they're a really nice coral.

nice grabs! havnt seen a FTS from u in a while, the tank is looking real mature... all i see are cardinals! got any other fish in ther lol
It's getting more mature. In addition to the cardinals (5 pajama, 2 banggais) there is also an orchid dottyback and a tiger goby. One of our gobies ended up as a crispy critter, and the wrasses also ended up on the floor. :( We have two clowns in QT that are going into this tank tomorrow. We're looking for another goby (or maybe two -- a clown goby and a shrimp goby).