Some New Info


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
The guy I was going to get the used tank hasn't called me. Anyway we have a LFS that has been in our town for thirty years, and used to be on my mail rt. I have been by there more that several times, and never could catch anyone there. I could see they were still in business but they didn't have any hours posted. The store is on the other side of town and I never get over there that often, only on my days off and then its early to get bussiness done so that I can enjoy the rest of my day off, I don't get many. I called them today and someone answered the phone, to my surprise. I told him what I just told you, he said after Hurricane Katrina they change their hours and open up at noon til six. I told him he needed to post the hours on the window, he picked the sign up off the floor and put it back in the window, lol. Anyway, I told him to give me the family discount and give me a price for a new 150g reef tank, cabinet, canopy, lights, hood, 2 power heads, sump, sand, heater, skimmer,and salt.The price came to, well, alittle more than I wanted to spend at this time. We decided to cut some corners. We are going to go with a 125g FOWLR tank at this time and upgrade to a reef tank at a later date, the price includes everything above except the skimmer, he said I don't need the skimmer at this time since we aren't going with a reef tank, we were able to also save some money on the lights to at this time. They are also going to have two holes cut in the tank when they order it for water draining into the sump and rerturing to the tank, pumps are included in the price. I paid the man and he said the tank should be here January the 10th, I also paid him for 100lbs of cured live rock, he said 100lbs should be enough and I said I can always buy some more after another payday,lol.The total price came to the same price I was going to pay for the used tank,and used skimmer, lights and the rest of the used stuff I was getting. Granted the other tank was 25g bigger and had a used skimmer and used lights for a reef tank, but all in all I am happy. Now tell me about water for my tank, I don't have a water purifer, what are my options.


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
I'd never buy new because people practically give away reef setups on craigslist around here but good for you ;) Why not do a reef? Just look for a used light fixture on CL/RC/Ebay that's all you are missing. I'd still run a skimmer. Put one in the sump when you can afford it.

DON'T use tap water that's a big mistake. I'm using the $100 dual RO DI 100 gpd system from P U R E W A T E R C L U B and it's been working fine for my water changes and top offs.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I have to agree with quaditty on the tap water issue, especially if you have not tested your water as to tds, minerals, copper etc. Best option is to purchase an ro/di system and make your own, especially on that size tank as water changes are going to be especially important if you are not running a skimmer (which I would also highly recommend) A good ro/di system can be purchased for a reasonable price.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
There's absolutely nothing wrong with going FOWLR first (or forever). It's a good idea to wait around six months before adding corals anyway, if you decide to go that route. Lighting (and corals) can get very expensive. It's also better to get used to the saltwater environment before you add delicate corals to the system. Rushing in the hobby is one of the biggest causes of frustration/tank crashes. Get your system established first and enjoy the fish for a while.

You should also check if any of your LFS sell RO (reverse osmosis) water or premade saltwater. It might be a good alternative if you don't want to buy a unit right away. I got an RO system from The Filter Guys. It was a little more expensive than some of the other units, but I feel it is more reliable and better made. Because your fish are surrounded by water, I believe the better you can make it, the healthier your fish will be.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
I couldn't agree with Lotus more. Definitely good to get your feet wet first. I also have a filter guys RO/DI and it is great. I have had coralife's unit and the filter guys setup is far superior.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
The man at the LFS sold me a Hydrometer, when I asked if I needed any other test supplies, he kinda balked at answering the question, he said they will test my tank water for free, the problem is the store is 1/2 hour from my house, and I dont go that way much, guess I will be now,lol. Should I take him up on his free offer or should I get my own testing sypplies?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I'd say get tests for ammonia, nitrate and pH. Ammonia can come on fast and kill fish pretty quick, so fast testing is an advantage. Nitrates aren't that harmful, but it's a good idea to be able to test weekly to make sure things are working well. You don't really need a nitrite test, as it's not poisonous in saltwater, and you can have the store test for it. A pH test is useful to make sure things aren't going awry.

Later, if you start a reef, you'll want tests for calcium, alkalinity and phosphates. They're not necessary in a fish only tank.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I sent an Email to the filter guys, to see what they recommend I should buy. If ya'll want to tell me I will go ahead and order it on line. Thanks